Joseph’s Choice – Our Benefit    

matthew 1,20

But while [Joseph] thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”  Matthew 1:20

RECOMMENDED SCRIPTURE READING: 2 Corinthians 5:7For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

COMMENTS:  Mary was visited by Gabriel with to announce she would be the mother of the Messiah.  She had to know and submit to God’s plan and choice (Luke 2).   Her response in praise and worship later welled up when she then went to visit her elderly cousin, Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist.  Their greeting of each other and response of praise and worship is recorded in Luke 2:46-55.

Joseph was Mary’s betrothed, her fiancée.  For him to discover Mary was pregnant and how that came to be would require more faith than he was prepared to demonstrate.   But while Mary was with Elizabeth an angel came to visit and prepare Joseph as well. 

Mary left to visit Elizabeth with a lot of unanswered questions.  We can only imagine those questions and the conversation between Mary and Joseph when she told him.  Joseph was a devout man and knew Mary but imagine the flood of doubts that went through his mind as he then pondered and his options and consequences of each one.  He knew Mary but could he accept her “unbelievable” story?  If what she said were true, how could he save her reputation while saving his own reputation?  He needed God’s direction to make the right choice.  He too needed divine instruction and guidance.  Mary would have honored and followed Joseph’s choice but God knew what Joseph would do based on his own wisdom so instructed a angel to visit and instruct him too.

Joseph was devout but the only option that made sense to him while protecting Mary was to divorce her and put her away to protect her from public stoning – to save her life. Betrothal was more binding than modern engagement is today.  Matthew 1:19-25 gives us a window into his reaction and angelic visit that gave him God’s instruction.

Joseph not only needed God’s council, but also needed and got God’s        reassurance that he and Mary would be ok in doing so.

A common reaction by all who experience a heavenly visit is fear.  Fear because of the power and authority and majesty of the visit.  Fear because of the sinless nature of the heavenly being amid our unclean sinful condition.  Fear because of uncertainly of the visit.  Fear maybe because of uncertainty of reason for the visit and anticipation of what visit will require. 

Have you ever been frightened accidently or even deliberately by someone jumping out in front of you especially in the dark.  Quick actions or a loud sound often has that same reaction.  But fear implies a conscious choice to doubt and be intimidated by an overwhelming force or situation or person.  But the response from angelic visitors is commonly “do not be afraid”.  Genuine awe and respect and reverent worship is not the fear identified here.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).  Love and reverence for God is identified as fear that draws us from God out of a sense of self preservation of fear of harm.  A sense of danger causes us to run from danger.  But the fear of the Lord draws us to Him out of obedience and worship.  Fear that includes love and reverence and trust.

By contrast, human fear reveals lack of trust and faith.  Every angelic visit required a clear head and focused attention but also an open receptive heart – soul.    Human fear clouds our thinking and reasoning abilities.  To let human fear overcome us is to keep us from receiving God’s instruction. 

Mary and Joseph chose to block their fears and listen with an open heart to the angel’s news and instruction.  They obeyed and the impact of their obedience transformed their generation and every generation since and every generation from all times past and yet to come.  AMEN?  AMEN!

To bring our minds under Christ’s yoke is not to deny our rationality but to submit to His revelation. 
John R. W. Stott

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