If you love me, you will obey what I command.”
John 14:15
COMMENTS: What would you think if your spouse greeting you with these words, entering your home from a day at work? Does this approach work with your children? Well, such a approach with other people, especially with family members, reflects an attitude of authority over and even superiority over others and not one of love. Jesus showed His love by serving and sacrificing. He didn’t ask for nor expect to be served as a slave would serve his master. By contrast, perfectly loved and demonstrated His love, which inspired past generations and inspires us to love and serve Him likewise. As we do that, we more naturally will see and love other like He does too. Mean and hateful people are difficult or even impossible show love and compassion to, but Jesus did and does. He sees who they could become – their potential, and provides doors of opportunity for positive change. These words from John 14:15 did not come from a Jesus shaking His fist demanding obedience but from a Jesus expressing compassion and love showing and telling them how they need to demonstrate show their love for Him. He is also telling them that they can objectively appraise their love and strengthen their love by obeying His commands. He is also saying obeying Him becomes possible as they discover and learn to love Him more than their own wills and selfish desires and wants. To learn to give up selfish habits and thoughts and conduct in order to follow His Plan and even Commands.
“If you love me, you will obey” all too often has disastrous impact when said with a threatening attitude. When motivation to obey becomes an oppressive pressure to do the right thing, to do what’s expected of us as Christians, then it breeds serious problems. Obedience that is only seen as rule-keeping ruins the love relationship between us and the Lord. Why? Even though the rules may be biblically based, we will end up obeying them rather than God. Concern with the letter of the law will cause us to lose the spirit of love.

The Lord’s words in John 14:15 are not a threat. His words are to be read as a promise: “If you love me, that is, if you make me the center of your thoughts and do your most ordinary duties with an eye to my glory, then you can’t help but obey me for it will be your heart’s desire.”

When we view the Lord’s call to obey as a promise, we won’t so much follow His rules as we will follow His voice.

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them” (John 13:17).

Lord, may I rush to obey You not so much because it’s the right thing to do, but because I long to please You with all my heart.

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