10/1/21                                               WHEN GOD GETS EMOTIONAL                                 1                              

“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight.”
Isaiah 42:1
 COMMENTS:  The concept of God being One God but also a Triune God or 3 in One is not comprehendable as humans.  It is a mystery for me too and is for the most learned scholars and theologians too even though they write volumes trying to explain it.  So I’m not going to attempt to either, but simply accept that truth on faith knowing it will make sense one day when we see Him in heaven.  But today,  we are going to reflect on the Father’s response when John the Baptist baptized Jesus just before Jesus was to begin His 3 year ministry that would be followed by His death and resurrection.  Jesus knew that was the path He would take as did the Father.   When the Father came in the form of a dove and spoke for all there to hear, He showed great emotion as He said “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” “21 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”” Luke 3:21 The Father showed great love and joy and pleasure towards Jesus when He said this to Him for all there to hear.  As parents, there are many times we too feel and express great love and pride and love toward our children when they demonstrate qualities and characteristics and faith that we hold precious.  We cannot make all life’s choices for them and must endure letting them make poor choices at times too, but for the Father, Jesus made all the right choices.  Choices that would bring Him great suffering and pain but choices that He and the Father agreed must be made in order to redeem those they both love deeply – you and me! It also brought Jesus great joy to obey and submit to the Father’s Will too.  So consider the Joy it brings Him when we follow His instruction and teaching and accept His redeeming Grace.  Likewise, the sorrow and grief it brings Him when we refuse His Grace.  Isaiah 62:5, “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.”
Near the end of Jesus’ public ministry, the fog began to lift from the disciples’ thinking. At the end of John chapter 16, the light dawns and they rise to a new level of trust and understanding. In John 16:31, Jesus exclaimed, “You believe at last!” Now that’s getting emotional!
Lord, you are the one in whom I delight. You are the one in whose love I relish. I am captivated with your beauty, and I find pleasure in adoring you and worshiping you. May my praise be lovely in your sight!


10/2/21                                              GOD’S FRIENDS                                                 2  

“The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people.”
1 Samuel 13:14
“You have not been like my servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes.”
1 Kings 14:8
COMMENTS:   Jesus declared the disciples to be His friend (John 15:14-15) while including the cost as well as the benefits of that friendship for both them and for Himself.  They didn’t understand or grasp what He was telling them nor what the cost of that friendship would be for Him first and for them later, but as they began to grasp His Words, they began to embrace that friendship and the cost of that friendship, the cost to Him but also embrace the cost to each of them. Below are some verses supporting this truth.  God is passionate about His relationship with each of us, a relationship that includes a deep genuine friendship that resembles a parent child – a close friend – a husband and wife – a Creator and creation relationship.  Our relationship with Him has many facets and we would do well to explore and seek all facets of our relationship with Him too.  He is our best friend but far more.  He is our God and Creator and sustainer but even more. He is our Father and Counselor and Protector but even more. James 2:23  And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”—and he was called a friend of God. John 15:15  No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:14  You are my friends if you do what I command you. John 15:13  Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. Do you a current “best friend”? Reflect back on best friends of the past as well as current one.  To sustain a friendship from childhood to adulthood and beyond is a special and rare blessing.  Usually friendships die due to betrayal or negligence due to distractions, other priorities, or distance, or change in each’s interests and priorities. Friendships take work and time to sustain by both.  The cost of sustaining friendships is significant but well worth it.  That is true of human friendships but especially true of our relationship with God.  We only have our love and devotion to give God but that is all we have to give.  He has so much more to give, and wants to give to each of us, but we need to accept Him and His Love and Grace. Joni Eareckson shared a story about Mary Lance who asked God to introduce her to His best friends.  She wanted to meet believers who rested on God’s favor and had hearts and minds bent on pleasing Him. As He allowed her to cross paths with some, she gained insight and wisdom on changes God made in their lives and how they opened themselves to give and received from Him.  She also discovered the joy they gained but also began  realizing the joy God gained from them. She wasn’t disappointed and gained many genuine friendships herself with many of those God brought to her. She also discovered suffering and pain was included in their experience but not a damper on their joy and confident faith and hope in Christ. Suffering only served to make them stronger and wiser and more giving. She discovered people who’s lives were deep, their joy fervent, energetic and filled with purpose, but rooted in peace and confident. Mary also shared that suffering many of  them endured demonstrated , like Job,
“Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him” (Job 13:15).

God shows no favoritism. The Gospel is open to all. But I believe that God reserves special affection for certain people–David was one, a man who sought after God’s heart.

So, are you  ready to ask God to introduce you to some of His best friends too?  How about us, like Mary Lance, ask Him to introduce us to His “Best Friends” too and see what  wonderful examples and friendships we discover? AMEN?  AMEN! “I would love to know your best friends, Lord. Would you introduce me to them?”

10/3/21                                                                       PROPHECY!                                                  3

“At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, ‘Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.’”
Revelation 19:10
I’m no prophet, but I’m intrigued by Peter’s words in Acts, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy… Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days and they will prophesy” (Acts 2:17–18).

There aren’t many Old Testament prophet types around these days. No bearded Jeremiahs wagging their finger at wicked men. No Elijahs rising to heaven in chariots of fire. But their legacy lives on. For we are their fellow servants. Today, the average homemaker with three children and thirty–three chores might prophesy, because whoever shares Jesus with a neighbor or friend is a prophet. “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

These are the last days. We are God’s sons and daughters. And whether you give the Gospel to a bunch of residents with cerebral palsy at a care facility or witness alongside Billy Graham at a gigantic crusade, the Spirit of God rests upon you as you testify of Jesus.

On second thought, maybe I am a prophet of Acts. And you could be, too. So get out there and prophesy!

The pouring out of God’s Spirit on his sons and daughters has been happening ever since the last days kicked off with the book of Acts. But something is now shifting in God’s timetable… his Spirit is being poured out abundantly and in a special sense… now is the time to hold to the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy.

Give me, O God, a sense of urgency to hold to the testimony of Jesus in these last days.

10/4/21                                                   A VISION FOR PRAYER                                                    4   

“But the Lord said to me, ‘Do not say, “I am only a child.” You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.’”
Jeremiah 1:7–10
 COMMENTS:  The Bible is full of stories and examples of how God used and inspired willing men and women and even youth and children to speak and influence their family and community and even invaders in a positive way.  Some were unwilling at first, like Jonah, while others were willing from their childhood like Samuel and Daniel.  They all were clueless on what God would ask of them and clueless on what to say or do, but once they surrendered to God’s guiding hand, amazing God inspired insights and wisdom and foreknowledge began coming from clueless servants like Saul (Paul) and Peter, like Daniel and Esther, like Mary (Jesus’ mother) just to mention a few. God asks some to go to remote – distant countries but most He calls are asked to be His example and spokesperson in their own community.  He not only inspired them on what to say and do, He also rallies other followers to help and support and encourage and council.   Others to reinforce and example a sustainable relationship with God and with each other’s. How and where He uses each of us is unique and tailored to our special talents and gifts and experience and field of influence.  If we obey, the impact will be eternal for us and others but likely filled with uncertainty and times of little visible progress.  But God has a wonderful way of rallying His people together and providing wisdom and encouragement to get through each day but also the capacity to put others ahead of personal needs while both depending on God to provide. God has a wonderful way of providing in a way that builds and strengthen relationships.  His relationship with each of us and us with each other. The vision and dream God has for each of us is unique but equally wonderful.  The small and even half-hearted acts of obedience He will bless and honor like He has in previous times and generations.  Yet knowing and discerning His direction from others is a challenge but critical. It is equally critical to learn from scripture the examples of how God revealed His Will and provided help in past.  Having His “friends and faithful followers” in our lives makes all the difference too.   Scripture gives confirmation of wise from foolish council.  The world is starving for our prayers and our example to follow.  Satan knows the powerful influence of a faithful follower and will do all he can to discourage and distract us.  But God provides and uses such words as “Jeremiah 1:7-10” to inspire and guide us to put and keep our eyes and minds on Him and His guiding light.  
Enlarge my heart, Lord, to pray the way you would have me to pray for the world!

10/5/21                                             WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS                                               5

“Grace and peace to you from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.”   Philippians 1:2    COMMENTS:  I’m sure at one time or another someone has disappointed you.  Betrayed your trust by doing or saying something hurtful or betraying a confidence by revealing a secret or private conversation.  The betrayal may be in a variety of other ways.  Take a moment to reflect on some personal examples and how that betrayal impacted the relationship you had. At such times our emotions tempt and compel us to respond with harsh words or physical actions intending to inflict the same level of hurt as we are suffering from. But Jesus exampled and taught a different way of responding.  A way that diffuses escalation of hurtful conduct. Yet, even minor disappointments often discourage us from doing and being all God wants us to be and do.  Yet, actions can be contagious resulting in the emotions motivating them also being contagious too.  Angry words or actions cause that anger to spread to others affected. The other approach that Jesus taught and lived was the choice to love and forgive.  When we turn to His Word and follow His example by praying and focusing on Him, especially when we don’t feel like it, we soon discover our emotions cooling and our minds gaining the ability to make wiser choices that diffuse anger and make healing and forgiveness possible.  Now let’s reflect on a time we were given grace and forgiveness when we hurt someone else.  A time we said something carelessly that hurt or forgot or failed to meet an expectation.  Well, the longer such failings continue, the harder to forgive and maintain relationship.  Putting relationships with others at risk is to priceless to our welfare to be justified by anything we might gain.   Relationships like family and friends and spouse are the God designed way of working and encouraging and helping and living together in community.  Such       enables us to more effectively live and be in relationship with God more effectively too.   That is why neglecting our devotion time with God impacts negatively our relationship with each other and neglecting our relationship with each other negatively impacts our relationship with God. God compels us to prayer to improve our relationships with others and with Him.  We don’t notice that because of the noise of our own emotions – feelings and distracting circumstances.  So, quieting ourselves – removing ourselves for a time from distractions to pray opens us to opportunity to hear and respond to God’s voice and instruction and help.  Then praying with others brings them into discussion and opens all participants to God’s voice together. Such a wonderful privilege and blessing to have access to our Creator and God whenever and wherever we desire.  God is so accessible and we are so dependent on Him that it is so easy to take Him for granted and loose appreciation of how involved He is giving and maintaining our life and quality of life.  Involved in all that makes life enjoyable and fulfilling and worth living too.   When we neglect Him and take Him for granted, we diminish the quality of life we live and the quality of life we inspire in others.
  John Bunyan said, “In prayer it is better to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.”

I praise you, Lord Jesus, that grace and peace are your abundant gifts to us. My heart kneels before you today as I receive these precious gifts.

10/6/21                                                                        SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES                                    6  

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.’””
Leviticus 19:1–2
COMMENTS:  Some things we do or activities or responsibilities we participate in seem more sacred and impactful than others. Singing in church or teaching Sunday School or preparing care packages for a homeless or a sick or person of need seems to come with a more significant purpose or sacred calling.   Being a part of something greater than ourselves makes that purpose our purpose too. But what about the routine things like filling our gas tank or mowing our lawns or interact with clerk at the store we buy food or household items from regularly? Leviticus 19 gives us some boundaries and guidance and instruction to help us gain some long term eternal purpose along with blessing and benefit from following God’s instruction provided in its verses. Leviticus 19 includes some “don’ts” like not stealing and not harvesting grapes that have fallen on the ground.  It also includes “does” like loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Instruction included in its verses reveals the purpose for the instruction and boundaries and warning or consequences of not honoring those boundaries. Leviticus 19 included both “spiritual” and “non-spiritual every day routine” commands. God, through Moses’, was revealing that all life and associated activity was sacred and spiritual and important to God.  Such points us to realize and seek to know the purpose God has created each of us to fulfil and discover the goals He is working to accomplish from the daily work and routines we do.  This realization should also help us to become more diligent in wisely using each day.
Dear God, I want to view everything I do as a way of worshiping you. Remind me that every activity is spiritual in your eyes, no matter how small or insignificant it seems.

  10/7/21                                             STOP AND LISTEN                                        7

“A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even–tempered.”
Proverbs 17:27
 COMMENTS: When with those who don’t know us or us them, we tend to “put our best foot forward” so we are well thought of.  Sometimes conversation is shallow or forced because silence seems awkward.  Some people naturally are more skilled at sustaining conversation than others. By contrast, long term friendships and relationships like parent-child and husband-wife and even work partner relationships can experience long periods of time without conversation and still enjoy fellowship.  Why?  Well, they know each other and enjoy being around each other and can work and play together well even without constant conversation.  I worked with another engineer and we often were amazed how well we knew each other even to the point that we often could complete each other’s conversation and thoughts.  When traveling together on field trips, we noticed that especially and laughed often about it. Well, when traveling together, especially when traveling long distances together in confined space of an automobile, it can be easier with loved ones than with acquaintances because of the issue of trying to maintain conversation. Well, the opposite can also be true.  Knowing each other well includes knowing each other’s flaws too, which can mean “pushing each other’s buttons” means a wrong word can result in instant anger and fighting – making a long trip less enjoyable. With those who know us well, the motivation to put on a “good front” Choosing words wisely and letting positive actions speak during significant periods of silence.   Even more significant is sustaining a close relationship and fellowship with Christ both privately but also together with family and close friends. Christ wants to be our best friend and will be if we let Him.  Human limits prevent us from having many “best friends” but with God, He can be “best friends” with millions without neglecting anyone.  In fact, when more become His best friend, it becomes easier for Him to help because more are open to follow His council and commands, resulting in expediting His Will more quickly.  Often His Will is delaying due to waiting for someone to yield to His Will before that Will can aid another. Also, when we stop talking and start truly listening, we discover an approach or direction we hadn’t considered or even realized.  Also, in silence we are more able to hear “God’s still – small voice. Likewise, sharing our friends and spouse more freely “God sighting” and experiences helps them and us becoming more mindful and able to notice those “God sightings” or opportunities God frequently give us to serve and obey Him, which brings blessing and healing to giver just as much to the receiver.    

10/8/21                                     CISTERNS AND SPRINGS                                                8                                     

“My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”
Jeremiah 2:13
COMMENTS:  The determined passion to be on our own and accomplish or goals without any outside help is a characteristic of every living human to some or to great extent, but seem to be a more dominant trait for men than for women. However, there are exceptions and seem to be more “do it myself” in older generations and more “let someone else do it” in younger generations. As I get older, however, I am finding the benefit and even welcome the help of others.  Fellowship is a positive benefit of accepting that help. God provides so much for us that we couldn’t survive without. Jeremiah relates to God as the source of living water, so Jesus identifying our relationship with Him as accessing Living Water is both significant and true but one of many confirmations that Jesus is God and is accessible and even vital to our life.  He also said believers who access Him become a source to living water for others.  Living water that flows out of them but is replenished by Him. The flow dwindles and stops when we separate from Him as our course, resulting in us becoming cisterns instead of  rivers  springs for His Living Water.  Tragic and so unnecessary but common and does bring consequences of loss of strength in us and ineffective witnessing to others.

God says that these cisterns of our own making will break. What we try to save, we will lose. The warning is clear: Throw out the broken cisterns and get in the glow of God’s spring of living water.

If you know anything about springs and cisterns, this warning in Jeremiah 2:13 should be easy to grasp. A spring is a flow of water from the ground, often a source of a stream. A cistern is a large receptacle for storing water. Don’t rely on yesterday’s experiences or last month’s victories. God wants to give you fresh, thirst-quenching life each new day. So start with this prayer…

Jesus, the Living Water, I thirst after you. May your life in me not be a trickle, or even a small stream, but a river. I confess my sin, clearing away any obstruction that might hinder your flow in my life

10/9/21                                              NO ONE CARES LIKE JESUS CARES                                            9 

“Oh Lord, what is man that you care for him, the son of man that you think of him?”
Psalm 144:3
 COMMENTS:  All too common is the human tendency to get used to and take God’s blessings for granted.  If you are thinking “I would never take God’s blessings for granted”, then ask yourself when was the last  time noticed and praised Him for your beating heart or legs  that work or ability to drive or talk?  The last you noticed a beautiful sunrise or sunset and praised Him?  The last time you thanked Him for gravity?  The last time thanked Him for your spouse and children and   for ability to work and earn a living? God’s provision and blessings are so abundant and consistent without fail, but we dwell on those He choses to delay or diminish for a specific purpose.  It is so true:                 
No one ever cared for me like Jesus
There’s no other friend so kind as He;
No one else could take the sin and darkness from me –
O how much He cared for me!*

The Living Bible translates 1 Peter 5:7 as, “Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.”

What other friend is there who thinks about you every moment, every second of the day and night? What other friend is so jealous for your love and affection? What other friend forgives seventy times seven, and then some? Truly, no one ever cared for you as Jesus cares!

You are always thinking of me and watching everything that concerns me. I love you, Jesus!

Noticing and praising Him often each day because He deserves it and enjoys it, but also because doing so gives us strength and faith and joy  as well.

10/10/21                                                       THE THOUGHT PATROL                                      10    

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:5
COMMENTS:   Have you ever stopped and pondered – wondered why God puts up with our sinful behavior and thoughts?   Even David, a man after God’s own heart, was guilty of adultery and murder.   Yet, God was prompt to forgive David when he repented and sought God’s forgiveness and mercy. We have little recorded of Joseph’s sins or Daniel’s sins or Esther’s sins, but while they had human bodies and breath they all were guilty of falling short of God’s perfect standard.  So, we have no hope of doing better than they or reaching the standard of behavior God requires. But the good news of the Gospel message is God knows that and solved the problem of having a standard no one could live up to.  He solved the problem by becoming our sacrifice so we wouldn’t have to pay the price required by the Father for our sins, which opened the door of relationship and fellowship not possible between God and each of us along as our sins remained unforgiven. But, in spite of all God has done and continues to do for us, our tendency is toward laziness and anxiety and selfish thoughts.  Worry and doubts and thoughtless or hurtful words soon replace praise and gratitude and worship of Christ when we neglect that praise He wants from us and we need to give Him.  Well let’s face it, humans simply aren’t strong and focused enough to sustain a Christ-like level of thinking and conduct.  Paul even said that he was prone to do what he shouldn’t and not do  what he should in spite of having a level of discipline and determination and commitment we wish we had.   Having the Holy Spirit abiding in and guiding him and inspiring him and empowering him resulting in he and his fellow first century Christians enduring great persecution and living/sharing an example we are amazed at and with a level of confidence and joy we are equally amazed at as well.  

10/11/21                                            FREEDOM                                                   11       

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17

COMMENTS:  It doesn’t make sense to depend on  a God we can’t see or hear nor physically confirm he is near.  Others will question the wisdom of trusting and relying on Christ.  Others will doubt an invisible Holy Spirit will abide in and guide them if open themselves to invite Him.  They worry about doing so borders  on giving up self-will and personal  freedoms.

But if we look at examples in scripture, Jesus own teaching, and contemporary examples from our own church and community and contemporaries,  we discover free will is a priority to God.  He offers council and wisdom to more clearly and understand temptations satan puts in front of us and ability to resist and put off those temptations if we choose to do so.

Well, the choice to accept and follow Christ is ours to make.  The Holy Spirit is God providing a ongoing fellowship and friendship so each believer has capability and choice to turn from sin and satan’s temptations and to Christ and sustain not only a relationship with Him but the ability to sustain a level of study of His Word and understand and follow it beyond human capability while retaining the freedom to make choices good or bad. 

Result is making more good choices because we want to and see benefit of and making fewer bad choices because we see consequences and have greater determination and will to fight satan’s evil deceptions and lures.

10/12/21                                                                            LONG TERM OBEDIENCE                                 12 

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9
When Ken and I drive north from Los Angeles to visit his relatives in Stockton, we take the interstate highway, a long, straight road through the central valley of California. Once when we were driving through Illinois, we took another long highway straight through miles and miles of cornfields. And once when I drove across Texas, I squinted to see the horizon many miles far down another long, flat road across the Texas plains.

When I think of the word boring, I think of those highways. One straight stretch in the same direction. No matter if it’s a road, someone’s two–hour lecture, or waiting in a line that stretches for blocks, it’s hard not to become weary. It’s hard just keeping your mind awake, your senses sharp, and your eyes focused on what’s ahead.

We balk at developing a long obedience in the same direction. A marriage that is forever struggling, a church that seems to produce little results, or housekeeping routines that never vary from week to week. Caring for an elderly parent or a child living with disability can be a long obedience in the same direction.

If I’ve described you, then you need to pay attention to the grace of God, finding daily renewal from his storehouse of fresh strength and hope. So be alert and be on guard. If you’re tempted to feel that your life is like a long, boring stretch of highway, don’t you dare fall asleep at the wheel! Don’t be weary in doing good, because your heavenly destination will be worth the long obedience.

Please, Lord, give me your grace today. Help me not to become weary at what needs to be done. Help me to obey!

10/13/21           LUST                            13     

“If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.”
Matthew 5:29–30
 COMMENTS:  Love is the strongest motivator – one  that has the power to sustain a high level of giving and serving above any other motivator.   Fear and intimidation are powerful forces but lack a sustainable motivation.  Even greed and material incentive lack sustainability.   A job is such an example but jobs lacking a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment or similar benefits including relationships with co-workers or clients also can’t sustain a high quality of work. But a deep passionate love for God generates and sustains a powerful and sustainable love for others, which inspires and generates more than enough energy and even joy in ministering and serving and providing for others in need.  God’s Holy Spirit inspires and encourages and provides this love for and in each believer who desires and seeks and requests this love and ability.   The Holy Spirit’s influence also prevents  the distortion and deception satan inspires to judge evil as good and good as evil. Temptations and distractions often differ from one person to another.    But the Holy Spirit provides us  with God’s arsenal of weapons designed to overcome any and all satan’s weapons if we simply ask for them and then yield to His instruction.  We can effectively resist temptation if we choose to.
Father, even when it comes to things that are lawful in my life, help me to limit them if I find them to be a temptation. May I walk in the Spirit so as not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh.

10/14/21                                              ACORNS                                   14 

When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed. The splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. So will it be with the resurrection of the dead.”
1 Corinthians 15:37–40, 42
COMMENTS: Experiencing the season changes in Pennsylvania is a love or hate relationship.  Season changes can be dramatic and even dangerous if unprepared.  But after living there for 70+ years, I still find those changes breathtaking in beauty and wonder.   Evidence of God’s involvement is so evident.  He gives ample warning of coming season change is so clear so inhabitants have time to prepare.  The fall brings colder temperatures but beauty of harvest  ready fields and beautiful colors of fall tree and scrub leaves.   Both worn of cold weather with snow and ice, which also includes a different but equally beauty created by that snow and ice.  Spring brings blossoming new life exploding from dead and dormant plants that showed no evidence of life over the winter.  Summer brings  a maturing of that new life and spring crops starting to bear fruit.   Yes, God is intimately and constantly involved in the seasons, for which we should notice and praise Him for.  He also gives us the ability of seeing and experiencing and appreciating His involvement too. We also discover from how a small acorn or seed can grow into a huge tree with ability of reproducing those seeds to create new trees too.   All this shows each of us how much God loves and cares for us and wants to be in relationship  with each of us.   How much He wants us to work with Him to care for others too.  Also, how powerful and wise He is and important to our quality of life and sense of fulfillment. If God has created such wonder and beauty in this world we live in and enjoy, how much more wonderful will be heaven for us one day when we enter the place He even now is preparing for us.  A home He is preparing for those who accept His redemption and follow and obey His commands. Consider also the wonder of the bodies God gives us to live in during our time on earth.  A body that reliably serves us for up to 100+ years, only shortened by the disease or dangers satan has introduced into God’s creation.  Yet, consider the eternal bodies God has promised free from satan’s influence to those who accept His redemption and follow and obey His commands. So little we need to do to receive such blessings.   Join me in reflecting on these blessings and  then  praising and thanking Him for these and so many more blessings.   AMEN?  AMEN!

10/15/21                                                          PECULIAR PEOPLE                                                  15

…Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” 
Titus 2:13–14 
COMMENTS:  Those accustomed to a simple country life style judge their lives and pleasures as better than those of people who live in large cities and frequent businesses and shops and entertainment local to their homes.  Likewise, those who regularly attend church and fellowship with other believers judge those who don’t as lost or misguided while those who don’t judge those who do as peculiar and don’t  relate to them. Well, who is right? If to our own sense of  right and wrong, we have no accurate basis of judging and shouldn’t, but that doesn’t prevent some from trying. We are living in a society that is rapidly doing just that.  Yet,  the basis our country was founded on was the Bible, using the 10 commandments (Mosaic Law) as the basis of judging right from wrong.   So why would we judge personal opinions above God’s law written in our Bible and held sacred and true throughout previous generations.  Yet,  that is quickly becoming the norm. Scripture gives us examples over many generations of consequences of disobeying God’s Commands and following the evil path of those before them.  I often wondered how the Israelites could wonder so far from God in just a generation or two, but looking back 50-60 year to the time when my parents were the age my children are now, I see contempt towards Christians growing and respect instead going toward those involved in habits and behaviors and conduct God calls evil and sin. Today’s scripture gives us assurance that God’s long suffering will not delay His judgment of sin forever nor condone such behavior. Instead, He will give ample opportunity to repent and turn to Him.   

10/16/21                               CAN JESUS COUNT ON YOU?                                                         16                    

“We are going to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and cruci
The dirt road to Jerusalem was bustling. Jesus and his disciples had to step into a ditch while a camel caravan shuffled past. A group of boys herded their goats. Women chattered and carried baskets of figs and olives.

Jesus and the disciples continued their trek up the road, yet no one noticed the Lord’s strange, heavy tread. Finally, when they rounded the top of the hill and caught sight of the gleaming temple of Jerusalem, Jesus stopped. Peter, John, and the rest strolled a few yards ahead. Then they turned around. Something was wrong.

Jesus began to pour out his heart, telling them exactly what was about to happen to him when he passed through the city gates. The disciples wondered what in the world he was talking about. But that’s not all. They not only ignored the Lord’s troubled words, they began arguing and jockeying for positions in the coming kingdom–two of them even dragged their mother into the dispute.

Perhaps the Lord had hoped to lean on his friends at such at time. Instead, he found a bunch of squabbling men who only half listened. He found no friendly words, no sympathetic ears.

Think of all the things friends share—heart–to–heart talks, the sacrifice of time, joys and sorrows. Jesus covers his side of friendship, but what about our side? What sort of friend does he have in you?

O Lord, it’s easy for me to criticize the behavior of the disciples, but I am no better. Forgive me when I fail you, but thank you for being such a faithful friend to me.   
COMMENTS:  During Jesus’ last week on earth, His heart grew heavier because He knew what He was going to endure and importance of enduring it.  He knew the physical pain and suffering He would endure, but even more, He knew the pain He  would also endure – separation from the Father as He put on the guilt and sins of the world.  He confided in His disciples that week, using every precious moment with them to help prepare them too for what was to come.  He knew the pain and weight of the burden of our sins would test the limits even His disciplined body could take and He knew He must endure that burden alone. His love for the Father sustained Him but His love for us compelled and drove Him to endure that burden of punishment for our sins.  He knew Judas would betray Him and Peter would deny Him and the rest of the disciples would run and hide in fear.   All would abandon Him as the punishment we deserve was put on Him.   But He still treated them with love and compassion and understanding and with patience.   He still does to us today. AMEN!  

10/17/21                                                       THE WRITTEN CODE                                          17  

For when we were controlled by the sinful nature, the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so that we bore fruit for death. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.”
Romans 7:5–6
COMMENTS: Every one of us has a sin we struggle with.  For some it is evil thoughts and strong language.  Some struggle with impatience and a short temper.  Others with lust and sexual temptations.  Still others with pride and lack of compassion and love for others.  Lying or stealing or even murder have habitual forces. Lack of planning and disorganization hindering doing God’s Will and using the time and opportunities God gives us wisely can and often is sin to us.  Procrastination too.   The consequences of even the “least harmful” sins, sins we and society views less harmful still carry God’s judgment  as payment for them unless we accept Christ’s payment for them and repent – follow the path of forgiveness and change He has set before us. Being accountable to others so minded and they to us helps us stay on the “straight and narrow” by exposing us to criticism when we stray and then encouragement and help to return.
Lord, although you don’t give me rules, you give me your love—may I return that love and obey you out of sheer j

10/18/21                                    HE IS LORD AND SAVIOR BUT ALSO OUR FRIEND                                     18    

“‘Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.’ ‘Yes, we will come to you, for you are the Lord our God.’”
Jeremiah 3:22
COMMENT:  The old testament is full of wonderful stories of redemption –  stories of individuals and of the nation of Israel who enjoyed God’s blessings and obeyed and worshipped God for awhile –  then abandoned God and followed other God’s until God’s punishment  until they repented.    When repentance was expressed, soon God’s love and mercy was restored. Those stories show us how wonderfully God has been and continues to be our best friend as well as God and provider and guide.   They also reveal how flawed and sinful human have been and still are.  Even those who were God’s friends.  Their stories and experiences give us priceless wisdom and insights into how we should live and depend on God’s faithfulness too. Our emotions and feelings betray us and are not a good way of guiding our thinking and actions and words.  Unchecked, they betray relationships with other people, with family and loved ones, with co-workers and neighbors.  But most of all they betray or relationship with God and His with us. He so deserves our worship and obedience.  He deserves our love too, but we need to do that even more.  Studying scripture and praying and developing a close relationship with Him and with His followers gives us life and a good future and life.   Doing brings us joy and peace and happiness even in the midst of an evil and hostile world.   Doing so also enables God to use us as an example to guide and encourage others to seek and worship and follow – obey Him too.  AMEN?  AMEN!
“In certain moods we wish God would make us do the right thing, but he will not; and in other moods we wish he would leave us alone altogether, but he will not. If we do not keep his commandments, he does not come and tell us we are wrong,” say Oswald Chambers.*

When you make Jesus the center of your thoughts and the desire of your heart, when you live in adoration of him… he is easily Lord.

Father, I know now that the life of continual obedience is impossible without continual fellowship with you. Help me to see that obeying you is perfect liberty and that in turning to you, I shall be happy, safe, and free. Have sway over my heart that I might turn to you and obey.

 10/19/21                                                        YOU ARE AN EAGLE                                                            19     

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”
1 Peter 2:9–10
COMMENT: You and I are Christ’s priests – His witnesses – His ambassadors who are responsible to tell others by our words, our actions, and our lives about His Grace and forgiveness and about the eternal home His is preparing.  To also share the positive difference He makes in  the lives of those who trust Him and let Him into their lives and souls.
“Once there was an eagle who didn’t act at all like the great, proud bird he was born to be. This was an eagle who lived among chickens in a henhouse and a covered coop. He could be seen every morning scratching the dirt for bits of grain and pecking at the cobs of corn the farmer threw to him and the rest of the chickens. The eagle’s eyes were as dull as his feathers. He was one sad bird.

One day, a passerby who felt sorry for the eagle entered the cage, grasped the bird with both hands, and carried him to the top of a nearby mountain. A sweeping spectacle of rugged peaks, turquoise lakes, and pine forests stretched before them. The heart of the great eagle began to pound in the man’s grasp.

The eagle’s eyes focused on the glacier–scarred mountains and deep cliffs. He lifted his head, breathing in the icy air and cool, fresh scent of alpine flowers. Feeling the bird’s struggling, the man lifted the eagle up and… let him go! The bird stretched his wings and soared across the valley until he was a tiny speck against the distant mountains.

The eagle had realized his destiny.

And you, as a Christian, must realize yours.”

I have to confess, Lord, that sometimes I act like an eagle in a chicken coop. But I am a child of God! May I realize my destiny as I focus on the immense wonder of eternity and breathe in celestial air.

10/20/21                          KNOW YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS                                                            20

For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge.”
Psalm 51:3–4
COMMENTS:  David did some sins we would judge unforgiveable.  He committed adultery and murdered his mistresses’ husband, who was a faithful soldier in David’s army.  The condition of forgiveness, for God, was not how many or how bad David’s sins were but his willingness to confess his sins and ask for mercy, for forgiveness.  David knew God but was blinded by temptation and sin.  However, David came to his senses and repented once Nathan helped him realize what he had done. God not only forgave David but allowed David to have a legacy and lineage that included Ruth as well as Christ. Psalm 51 is recognized as a psalm of David written at the time when the prophet Nathan confronted David with his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and murder of her husband.  Yet, God still called David “a man after His own heart” not because of what David had done but because of his willingness to humble himself and repent in public and turn from his sinful ways instead of defending them as Saul had done. David, in Psalm 51, confesses to God with full awareness his sins and recognizes it is to God only who he is accountable to and needs to seek forgiveness from.  He also recognizes how depraved he has and how far he had fallen into sin.   But David did not stay there.   He ran to the temple to seek God’s mercy without delay. David realized the evil he had done and was capable of doing and sought God’s mercy but also God’s help to turn from the evil path to death he was walking on. Mercy is defined as kindness in excess of what might be expected. And for the multitude of your sins, God has a multitude of mercies. Tender mercies they are, compassionate kindness far in excess of what you deserve. Where sins abound, grace abounds. To know your transgressions provides an opportunity to confess and receive abundant mercy, compassionate grace.

How sensitive are you to the sin in your life? Does your Spirit–sharpened conscience warn you when you shade the truth? Do red flags wave when you backbite with gossip? Know your transgressions, for when you do, his tender mercies are there to forgive.

Father, make me aware of every sin, hidden and exposed. And thank you for your tender mercy that forgives.

10/21/21                                                            LIP SURGERY                                                              21

“‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips.’ Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, ‘See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.’”
Isaiah 6:5–7
 COMMENTS:  The one common response recorded in old testament of those who had a encounter with God was an overwhelming response or sense of being unclean – sinful – unworthy – unprepared.  God is perfect and all powerful and all knowing, which leaves them totally vulnerable and exposed and at God’s mercy. As we look at Jesus and how He expressed love and compassion and understanding towards His disciples and the poor and sick and broken hearted, and especially children, He encountered.   As we do so while reflecting on verses which reflect Jesus’ words stating He is exactly like the Father.  Then we discover God doesn’t take pleasure in wielding His power over us nor in raining judgment on us nor in inflicting pain on us.  But He is passionate about building a love relationship with each and every one of us and sharing His wisdom and love and plans with us.  He is passionate about building a relationship with each of us that encourages us to love and willingly follow His council, which includes loving and caring for and being kind towards others as He is to us.  Towards those less fortunate than us.  To learn to forgive when it is difficult to do so and not just when easy and are motivated to do so.   Holding our tongue when tempted to speak and express angry or jealous or emotions that intends to convey anger or disgust or harm.
And I know of no greater sin of mine than my lips. My unholy thoughts, though many, are my private sins that affect only me. My unholy deeds, though heinous, are few and far between.

But my words are many and their damage is public. In a few short sentences, I can cut a baggage handler at the airport down to size for dropping my wheelchair. In a string of vexings and hammerings, I can skewer my husband’s plans for the weekend. In a twisted maze of flatterings, I can manipulate any unsuspecting soul.

Oh, what a burden. To possess such an instrument is more than I can bear at times. But while the reality of my sinful lips depresses me, God corrects me with one important observation: “See, this has touched your lips.”

For Isaiah, it was the burning coal used by God to drive home his point that outside intervention is needed. Through painful imagery of cauterized lips, Isaiah learned an important lesson. His lips were impure, but God touched them and declared them clean.

But that is not the end of it. God desired to use those lips. When asked, “Whom shall I send?” Isaiah had the righteous audacity to say, “Here am I. Send me.”

Lord, purify my words by your presence in my life. Remove the dross of selfishness and pride from these lips. Make them sing and speak of you all my days.

10/22/21                                                                   CROWNS                                               22

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”
2 Corinthians 5:10
COMMENTS:  We live in a time with little accountability for our words and actions or at least just accountability.  However, we are also living in a society of increasing accountability to a standard not set by a stable authority and standard but on a current standard set and revised by self imposed liberals.  The only consistently unchanging accurate standard worthy is one based on God’s revealed law.  US law was established and enforced based on  the standard and definition of right and wrong established by God’s inspired scripture and law.  Law written and published in our Bible.  Other countries, even pagan countries has their own laws but where tyranny doesn’t prevail, law is influenced by biblical law directly or indirectly but powerfully and effectively. Kids love rewards and scriptures speaks of rewards to those who seek God’s forgiveness and follow and obey His Will and council.  Council that leads to eternal success and reward.   The crown of life mentioned in James 1:12 is reserved for those who persevere under trials and withstand God’s tests. The crown of rejoicing in 1 Thessalonians 2:19 is a reward for believers who introduce others to Christ. The incorruptible crown in 1 Corinthians 9:25 is for those who are found to be pure and blameless on the judgment day. And in 1 Peter 5:2–4 there’s a special crown reserved for Christian leaders who have guided others — it even says that the Chief Shepherd himself will present that crown.

But the child in me jumps up and down to think that I might be rewarded the crown talked about in 2 Timothy 4:8: “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.”

Heavenly crowns are not just rewards for a job well done on earth; crowns are a glorious consummation of the job itself.  However, the motivation of eternal reward is not the motivation or fuel that drives Christ’s followers to endure persecution and sacrifice wealth and life for others, but out of a love and attitude of gratitude for God who loves and sacrificed greatly to buy their forgiveness and redemption.  For Christ who continues to love and care for and be with each believer  24x7x365.

How I love to hear you say, Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” What a reward that will be.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

10/23/21                                                                    PROFITABLE                                                 23 

 Blessed are You, O Lord! Teach me your statutes.  Psalm 119:12

Recommended Reading: Psalm 19:9-16 “The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb. 11 By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward. 12 But who can discern their own errors?  Forgive my hidden faults. 13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;  may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression. 14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,  Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

COMMENTS:   School is an essential part of equipping children for adulthood and becoming a productive part of their community and world.  Historically boys would learn trade and skills from their father and girls would learn homemaking skills from their mothers.  Times have changed and more men train and obtain jobs and careers in fields much different than their fathers.  Likewise, women are training and seeking jobs and careers beyond the home and much different from those of their mothers.  But such opportunities start with goals and dreams and follow through with proper elementary school and then high school to prepare for vocational and college higher education training.  Public schools and vocational training schools and colleges were established in order to provide opportunities and training for anyone with determination and ability to work to achieve their goals.

Noteworthy is the most respected and successful hospitals and colleges and universities were founded and built by Christians or Christian organizations.  That is not a coincidence or accident, but a vision and passion God instilled in Christians to accomplish. 

Scripture encourages education and training for employment.  Society insists that be the only purpose and goal of education.

Scripture, however, reveals an additional and even more important goal of education as God intended it to be.    Proverbs 9:10 and Psalm 111:10 are two example scriptures sharing that goal.

 Proverbs 9:10 “10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Psalm 111:10 “10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.”

When the United States was young and its now famous universities were young as well, education also included instruction with God’s Word.  But the fear of God and discovering and exploring and building a close relationship with Christ typically started at home and in the local church congregation.  That was the way God intended the early settlers to live and build this new country and the legacy to be passed on and observed to future generations.  That legacy and vision and goal has faded and is barely noticeable.   In fact, most of the universities and colleges founded with a Christian focus and mission have become so secularized that those promoting or even acknowledging Christian values and morals are at very lease criticized and more commonly punished or even expelled.   Times have certainly changed and fruit of this change has become dramatically increased violence and evil in those schools but also in society.

History is supposed to teach us both the mistakes and wise choices of past generations so the wises ones could be repeated and mistakes and unwise ones avoided.   Yet history is being rewritten to hide the wise choices and promote the unwise ones.

Scripture tells us the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and following His commands is the way to life. 

When we deny or even neglect God and our relationship with Him, we put ourselves and our families at great risk.  The Old Testament is full of examples. It is also full of examples of how God blesses and helps and enables those who follow God and obey Him.  The New Testament continues those examples but reveals to us how the Holy Spirit enables us to live in and sustain a real and meaningful relationship with God and enjoy His forgiveness, His council and wisdom, His strength and protection, and confidence of eternal life beyond the grave, while enjoying real purpose for living while on earth.

When will we learn that God’s ways are the best ways and ours are at best second best and at worse a sure path to misery and destruction?  The proof and evidence of that fills the history books and includes examples from the lives of family and friends and neighbors near us and news reported every day. 

 “The Scriptures contain the deep things of God, and therefore, can never be sufficiently searched into by a careless, superficial, cursory way of reading them, but by an industrious, close, and humble application.”  George Whitefield

10/24/21                                      OAKS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS                                                           24               

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”
Psalm 1:3
 COMMENTS: A tree planted in a desert will quickly die due to a lack of water.  The heat of the sun draws out water from the tree but lack of replenishing water, the tree quickly withers and dies.  But that same tree planted next to a river will extend it’s roots to capture water from the fresh flowing river water. But in the northern hemisphere, as temperatures fall, trees shed their leaves and move their life giving sap into the roots below ground line in preparation of winter months. We too need to extend our roots into God’s life giving spiritual water of His Word and Holy Spirit.  This time of year Psalm 1 comes alive as we are reminded that Christians are much like those  trees.   had a great idea when he chose a tree as a symbol for growing Christians. Just consider: It’s a fact that the branches of growing trees not only reach higher, but their roots grow deeper. It’s impossible for a strong tree to have high branches without having deep roots. It would become top‐heavy and topple over in the wind. The same is true with Christians. It’s impossible to grow in the Lord without entwining our roots around his Word and deepening our life in his commands.

Other parallels? A growing tree will always provide shade and comfort for others. A growing tree takes in light and processes it for food. Such a tree is always able to reproduce itself. Sometimes, the best trees give their life for others as branches are lopped off for firewood or lumber.

“They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor” (Isaiah 61:3).

God employs symbols to point us to truth about himself and about us. People of faith in Scripture are symbolized as sheep, buildings, fishermen, grain, children, and trees. Study each of these symbols and learn God’s lessons.

May my roots grow deep in your Word, Lord, and may my branches grow high. When winds of adversity come, I then will remain strong.

 10/25/21                              WHEN I AWAKE                              25

And I — in righteousness I will see your face; when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.”
Psalm 17:15
COMMENTS: Jesus showed great compassion for children  and told His disciples that they needed a child-like trust and faith in order to believe. Children have a sense of wonder and belief and are open and able to learn and remember God’s  Word.  Their energy and curiosity seem almost inexhaustible and hunger to learn as well.  Their capacity to memorize and remember what they learn is also at a peak.  But their experience and ability to reason and solve problems is more limited than adults.   They also lack a sense and respect  of danger or of their own mortality. David endured many years during his youth fighting wolves  to protect his flock.  Then more years fleeing King Saul’s angry – jealous pursuits to kill him.  But David had God’s promise that he would live to become king and leave a legacy impacting future generations. God honored David’s faithfulness and continues to fulfil His promise to David.  Paul wrote to live is Christ and to die is gain.   He meant that living gives opportunity to build a life of obedience by which Christ gains opportunity to provide life giving grace and mercy and forgiveness.  Paul had the joy and sense of purpose and satisfaction of seeing others positively impacted permanently and for eternity through his ministry and message.  Paul also looked forward to heaven and being with those he ministered to in heaven but mostly to be with Christ.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
“I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.” I have to realize that no matter how much peace or contentment I feel on this earth, I will not be satisfied until it is my time to die. Our earthly life in Christ is meant to be one of discontentment. Such was Paul’s confession when he debated the pros and cons of life. His conclusion, and that of David’s, was to choose life at all costs in order that Christ and the face of God would be gained:

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21).

Lord, I want to be with you. Now. I confess it. And I confess my reasons are not always righteous. Too often they are because life here is hard. Make my desire for heaven conform to the face of your will.

 10/26/21                                                          PATIENCE                                              26 

Surely, O God, you have worn me out; you have devastated my entire household. You have bound me — and it has become a witness; my gauntness rises up and testifies against me. All was well with me, but he shattered me; he seized me by the neck and crushed me.”
Job 16:7–8, 12
 COMMENTS:  Job was bragged about by God to satan and demonstrated by his reaction to adversity that he was different from others.  He had such an exceptional trust and love for God that proved his relationship with God was very close and special. It isn’t clear why God entertained communication with satan or why he allowed satan to torment Job so badly in order to prove Job’s faithfulness. Well, Job did but did begin to weaken and become depressed and discouraged after enduring loss of family and all his wealth and finally his health.   Far more  than what most of us are able to endure. Well, Job reveals God’s conversation with satan and of  Job’s debates with his friends. Then God confronts Job’s friends and then Job for his words of discouragement.   Job demonstrated much deeper faith and patience than anyone else in his community or family, but there was a limit to what he was able to endure, and satan was allowed by God to approach that limit mercilessly. Well, truth is God has His perfect reasons for what He does or doesn’t do and when He does.  Reasons with our best interest in mind even when the opposite seems to be  true. Wonderful history recorded in scripture gives us much insight and examples to prove this.  Proof that continues to be available as we live  through our lifetime portion of history. Evil allowing evil to grown in power and spreading has been evident in each generation but every time that evil is defeated and it’s perpetrators vanguished.   In eternity will their doom be sure and endured while the suffering for their evil will only be endured for a brief time, from eternity’s vantage point, and even then as  with Job, such evil has limited and boundaries by which God controls exposure to His followers enduring such. God uses suffering to build and strengthen and prepare His children for service and to be a blessing to others and to Him. For that we should and can be grateful even in the midst of severe suffering in spite of pain and hardship required.

10/27/21                                   HOLD LIGHTLY TO YOUR BLESSINGS                                       27  

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.”
Ecclesiastes 11:1
Comments:  In a recent devotion, Joni Earackson Tata shared  a conversation with a friend suffering from blindness.  He directs the Christian Blind Mission in New Zealand but has been visually impaired since a child.  A few years ago, he received a corneal graft which enabled him to see.  He then was able to see and enjoy the beauty of creation, including beautiful sunsets and faces of friends he only knew by voice.   He shared the color yellow was nothing like he imagined, but far more beautiful than he could imagine. Joni  then shared that in a  recent letter he suffered a setback from a ulcer that developed on his grafted cornea, resulting in loss of vision again.  He shared how much he had become addicted to sight and was finding blindness difficult to accept again.  But fortunately, doctors were able to stabilize his eyes so he could still see with strong magnifying lenses. It is easy for us to become accustomed to God’s blessings and miracles and involvement that we take such for granted or even become so accustomed to that we become angry when some of those blessings fade or are removed.  Just like spoiled children, we become angry when deprived.   But God wants so much more of us than simply comsumers of His blessings. He wants us to become a blessing to others, using His blessings to be a blessing and point others to the source. Likewise, God’s intends His blessings to draw us closer to Him but often He must withdrawal blessing to force us to see ourselves as He does and instead of wondering further away from Him. The prodigal chose to leave his father thinking he had everything he needed without the father and boundaries and rules his father required or asked him to follow.  The prodigal thought only of himself and thought he knew better and wanted to experience life in ways his father would not condone or provide. Instead, the prodigal discovered a life of indulging only brought suffering and pain.   Such was an expensive lesson for him but also for the father.  His father suffered loss of a son for a time and loss of his son’s help on the farm and loss of money his son squandered.   But that suffering was short lived when his son returned.  The bitterness of the other son was another challenge and point of suffering for the father too.  We don’t know if that son repented later or not but he needed to come back to his father for forgiveness too.  His sins were different but just as destructive. Joni’s friend then told Joni, “I have had to learn not to bind to myself the joy of sight but to kiss this winged blessing as it flies through my life. At times, the urge to grab and hold onto it is overwhelming, but in my heart of hearts, I realize one has to develop a certain detachment to joys of all kinds in order to escape the insidious poisons of bitterness and despair.”

Great Giver of all gifts, thank you for the blessings of this life. Help me to hold loosely, very lightly the gifts that you bestow. Help me to hold fast to you.

10/28/21                                                                               TEARS                                     28    

“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
Revelation 7:17
 COMMENTS:  All too common is hardship and suffering inflicted on us because of our own foolishness and sin, but not uncommon is instances when we endure suffering due to circumstances beyond our control. Due to the sins and poor choices of others or even, like Job, resulted by satan’s doing but permitted within limits by God.  Seeing a loved one suffer or dying. God gives us hope, even though we find it hard to hold back the tears. The Bible says, “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” That means that out of your grief, God will bring the reward of joy that will last forever.

Sometimes, God, it seems that pain and problems will last forever. Thank you for reminding me today that tears are only temporary. How I look forward to the day when you will personally wipe away the tears of us all

10/29/21                                             REASONING WITH THE LORD                        29

“‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’”
Isaiah 1:18
COMMENTS:  How can we reason with God and what can we say that He doesn’t already know and has responded to?  But then again, how much does He know and desires to reveal to us and is working to change us and enable us to work with and partner  with Him in  accomplishing His will both in us and through us to others. Well, have you ever pleaded with God in prayer?  Trying to persuade Him  to heal or save a loved one or even yourself? There is no one, including ourselves, He doesn’t love more than us and His passion to save and provide eternal life in heaven is greater than ours, so prayer for salvation is does not need debate to convince Him.  Yet today’s scripture is one telling us to debate with Him in prayer.  Doing so helps develop a line of communication with Him and a closer relationship with Him, but also opens our mind and soul to hear His voice revealing to us His communication too. He does listen to us and consider our sincere requests when done for the  right reasons sincerely seeking His help and council. Jesus went to the cross  to purchase our salvation but also to purchase the cleansing and forgiveness that, when we accept and allow to change us, prepares us to go before the throne in right mind and attitude to receive His response.
Before you offer your intercessions and petitions, take time to quietly sit before the Lord and listen. Ask him to reveal to you his heart’s desire in a matter. Only then, when you offer your petition, will you be able to say that you are praying in his will.

Lord, before I pray today, I want to quiet my heart, still my thoughts, and center my attention on you. I want to listen to you in order to discern your will for me for this day. And thank you for inviting me to think through my petitions and intercessions — I take seriously the prayers I offer before your throne. Thank you for taking them seriously, too.

10/30/21                                                      WORK AND PRAY                                                              30

“If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”
2 Timothy 2:21
 COMMENTS:  Hard work is a noble passion and practice, but requires focus and purpose and channel and balance in order to be healthy and productive and within boundaries of God’s Will.   Even Jesus, while a human limited by  self imposed human limitations, needed balance provided by the Heavenly Father to obtain and sustain proper balance and direction and focus.  We do too.  Balance between work and play – reaching defined goals and rest – proper priorities in  reaching goals and allowing unplanned needs get priority.  Christ demonstrated all this and so much more.   While on earth living as a human with all the human limits and temptations as we, He needed and demonstrated fellowship and consistent relationship with the Father that provided needed direction and priority and focus and energy and will  to do the Father’s Will consistently and perfectly.  He showed us the perfect way to pray, to live, to work, to pray, to rest, to deal with distractions and provide for them, and to deal with temptations.  But also with so much more.  We are designed and have a need to work but also to be in community and relationship with each other and with God also.   God provides work and purpose for us if we seek and embrace it from Him. God also provides direction to obtain community with family and church and community He leads us to connect with and join in and with.  He provides ongoing guidance and wisdom and strength and life both with Himself and with each other.  Instead of making Himself the minister and us the ministry, He partners with us and prepares us and joins with us so we become instruments in ministry with Him. Why He would want to do that is a wonderful mystery for we constantly slow Him down and hinder His Will and plan fulfillment.   But just like a little child helping His father with a work project, God’s goal includes not only completed that project but also enjoying working with that child, watching him grow and learn and enjoy working with His father, and sharing mutual relationship building time with each other.  God needs and wants us so much but we desperately need Him especially when we don’t feel that need. Martin Luther said “
“Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”

Someone has said, “Every Christian needs a halfhour of prayer each day, except when he is busy, then he needs an hour.
Lord of every labor, thank you for the work that you give me to do. Bless you for sanctifying it and making it “spiritual work” as I do my labor to your glory. Thank you for the Spiritinspired energy that you will give to carry me through this busy day!

 10/31/21                                              TIRED OF SINNING?                                                    31

“So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God — through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
Romans 7:21, 24–25
COMMENTS:  As I look back and reflect on missed opportunities to witness but also poor choices made and consequences of those choices, I am motived not to repeat them.  I also reflect on wise choices I’ve made and how God has used them to bring blessing beyond…   Coming to Christ at a young age has helped immensely, especially in making wise big choices like education –  career – choice of spouse.  Investment and purchase choices has mostly been good and wise, but a few were not so good and should have been better and would have if I’d sought and followed God’s council. But as I reflect and look around, I see so many who made disastrous choices of spouse and friends and …   Use of drugs or alcohol and yielding to various temptations cost in time and health and money, resources God intended for good and not evil. Choices that shorted life and quality of that life. But God is a merciful God eager to forgive and provide a fresh – new start and life in addition to eternal life with Him in a place He already is preparing for each of us. Many wonderful old books used and cherished years ago are not being used and taught to our children and grandchildren.  The   “Book of Common Prayer” is one such book, which includes such examples of prayer like:  “Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker of all things, Judge of all men; we acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness which we, from time to time, most grievously have committed by thought, word and deed against Thy Divine Majesty, provoking most justly Thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earnestly repent and are heartily sorry for these our misdoings…” The close we get to God, the more we discover what Christ  was like as a human living on earth, the more we discover how wretched and far from like Him we still are.  Growing weary of our sin and weaknesses becomes stronger and even though progress is made in becoming more like Christ, there is so much more needing to change.  
Sometimes I get so weary of my sin that I cry, “What a wretched person I am!” I so look forward to the day when I’ll no longer recite that Confession or transgress against my loving Lord, when I’ll be free from this body of sin and death.

The Puritans prayed, “Oh my Lord, may I arrive where I need no more to weep or watch or be tempted. Where nothing defiles, where there is no grief, sorrow, sin, separation, tears, or consuming cares. Where there is personal completeness. Where the more perfect the sight, the more beautiful the object. The more perfect the appetite, the sweeter the food. The more complete the soul, the more happy its joys, where there is full knowledge of Thee.”

Lord, please possess me so that all my thoughts and desires rise to you. Soothe my sorrows. Sanctify every success. May I hate my sin as you hate it… may I grow to love your law as you do. Brighten my hope that soon there will be no more sin, and I will at last find final completeness in you!

                                  Praying as God Desires and Jesus Instructed         

Matthew 6:9-15; Luke 11:2-12

The Lord’s Prayer was given by Jesus to His disciples and to the gathered crowd (and to us) as part of a time of teaching / instruction that started with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5), the parable of salt and light, instruction on God’s standard about anger / sexual sin / divorce / overall conduct as well as setting a standard for loving others / giving / keeping the Law and promises, worship.  His instruction also provided help and instruction w.r.t. worry and the wise use of money. 

His instruction gave a broad and complete guide to living a Christ like life.  Christ instructed by example as well as by word.  But His instruction also, by example and by word, showed those present (and us thru scripture) how to effectively pray as well. His instruction was direct, simple, and easy to remember both to the crowd as well as to us.  The Lord’s Prayer is the most profound and meaningful prayer but also the easiest to remember and repeat.  Only God could accomplish that!  

So let’s both pray and meditate on what this powerful prayer says.   Before sharing this important prayer, Jesus cautions to not pray for purpose of impressing others or for personal gain.   Instead He is encouraging an honest and humble and contrite communion with the One and Only God and Creator of everything. 

  1. – direct your prayer to God who has

complete and eternal authority and power and who is on His throne in heaven.  Be mindful you are addressing God Almighty who is above and over everything and everyone – including you and including satan.   Show reverence and respect and humility knowing the One you are talking to is God Himself.

  • – we need to take time to not only acknowledge but prepare ourselves to both believe and want God’s kingdom to come here on earth and get our wills in line with His.  Preparing ourselves before making requests for our own and other’s needs done first, so stating our desire for God’s will to be done over ours is important.
  • – we think of heaven being a prefect – eternal place more beautiful and perfect than earth.  A place without pain or death or any evil and a place of perfect peace and harmony. A place we dream of.  We need to prepare our minds and hearts so we desire that earth reflect God’s Will as much as heaven does already.  We are recognizing and desiring Christ to return to earth to set up His kingdom and bind and stop satan’s reign of sin and destruction and death.  We also need to conform our wills and actions and thoughts to reflect this goal and plan as well instead of hindering and opposing His Will and Plan.  We need to also realize we are as futile as satan in stopping or slowing His Will. 
  • – we desperately depend on Him each and every day for the food we eat, the air we breathe.  Every beat of our heart and movement of our bodies and thought in our minds and word we speak and image we see with our eyes is a result of His love and mercy and grace each and every day.  We would not survive one second, let alone a day without His constant provision.  Yet His provision is so complete and constant it is so easy to take it for granted or assume it will continue as it has.  Yet He tells us there will be a time of great tribulation and judgment.  Recognizing and expressing gratitude for what God does for us is vital to our relationship with Him and our ability to express Joy and Love towards Him, which is so deserves.  We also need to recognize how undeserving we are of such faithfulness and love and grace.

US – I think it is no coincidence this comes directly after the request for daily bread.  We are told to forgive each other each and every day as He forgives us each and every day.  We need to recognize we, as imperfect and sinful creatures, will continue to fall short of His perfect example, which means we need His forgiveness each and every day.  That needs to motivate us to show compassion to each other and be ready to forgive others each and every day when they continue to hurt and offend and mistreat us.  The parable Jesus told of the servant who was forgiven a huge debt by the king and then didn’t forgive someone who owed him a very small amount reflects Jesus’ revelation.  We must forgive daily over and over again if we want God to forgive us over and over again.  This is not to give us an impossible task to do and doom us to failure, but to guide us into a more wonderful and richer relationship with each other and with Him.  His desire is to give us life, not death.  Joy, not misery.  Hatred hurts the hater more than the hated.  Forgiveness gives more life to the forgiver than the forgiven.  God is the definition of life and loves to forgive more than judge – after all, He loves us like no other even when we ignore Him and sadden Him with our sins.  Mark 11:25 further reinforces this truth “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that you Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.  But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

EVIL – This may be the hardest portion of this prayer to comprehend. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Why would God want to lead us into temptation or desire for us to be tempted?  I Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.  God is on our side and uses both good and evil, both His help and even satan’s mischief for our good (Roman 8:28).  Yes, He does allow satan to do evil for a time but within restraints.  He also allows us to be tempted with limits based on our ability to resist and maturity.  Also based on how closely we are walking with Him.   By stating this, we are verbalizing our desire for Him to help us overcome and spare us from temptation.  It also reminds us to flee temptation and not seek temptation out to satisfy our own selfish desires.  Resisting temptation becomes impossible when we are seeking the pleasures temptation offers.

FOREVER – This final statement acknowledges to God and reminds us who God is and will ever be.  He is God Almighty – All powerful – Eternal – Perfect and Holy in every way – worthy of all our praise and worship.  This is something we need to remind ourselves of as well as needing to express such praise and worship to Him because He deserves it and because we are drawn closer to Him by expressing our praise and worship.  Doing so strengthens our faith and gives us strength and enables us to live closer to the example Christ showed us.    John 14:6-11 tells us the only way to eternal life is through Jesus and by knowing and seeing Jesus, we know and see God the Father.  As we become closer to Him, He becomes more real to us and we slowly become more like Him.  We also desire His Will be fulfilled and for this world to reflect that Will.  Our sinful desire wither and a more Christ-like character begins to blossom and grow.  That is what “growing on our faith” and “striving to perfection” and becoming more Christ like all are describing.  Will you and I achieve perfection in our human bodies this side of the grave?  NO.  We are not capable of comprehending that level of perfection let alone achieve it.  But we can improve greatly and will each day if we are in fellowship with Him daily.  That is my goal and my desire and my quest.  How about you?

Let’s face it.  All other religions are satan’s tricks or man’s foolishness to distract us from the One and True God.  That means the gods they worship and promote do not exist.  Satan does exist and is formidable to us but is no match to God or even one of His angels. Satan was Lucifer, the greatest of the Archangels until He thought himself equal to God and was stripped of his authority and removed from heaven along with 1/3 of heaven’s angels who he deceived and convinced to follow him. (Rev. 12) When we think about it, why would anyone ever follow satan?  He, unlike God, cannot create anything.  All he can do is destroy.  So which is easier and who is more powerful.  Someone who kills or someone who creates?   If doubt that, try stepping on an ant and then try to fix it. Today our children’s heroes are not those who accomplish great things but those who are powerful enough to destroy and kill.  What is mostly on TV and in cartoons?  Well, we all do to some degree follow Satan’s temptations all too often because we take our eyes

off Christ and allow ourselves to be tempted.  Another reason for praying “LEAD US


So let’s now pray the Lord’s Prayer together:









As previously, below is the Gideon Bible Reference I have been included in monthly devotions for some time.  I decided to continue including this for benefit of new readers and to continue to make it accessible to any and all who read and share this journal.  I encourage you to use and share as God directs.  If you wish to contact me or access more devotions, below is link to access.   


In His Service,

Don McDaniel



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You may also access my Facebook page and request to be my friend and automatically receive my daily journal publications daily.  My Facebook page is: Many thanks to a pastor and dear brother in Christ in Nepal who set up the above Facebook page to help and encourage and give opportunity for more to   explore and use my devotional blog materials.

My hope and prayer are, my blog and devotional materials will become a source of encouragement


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