COMMENTS: Have you ever read a scripture or received council from a parent or pastor that was hard to follow but you knew it was wise and needed to be followed? Today’s scripture (JOHN 6:53-61) was Jesus telling the disciples about He coming death and significance of the Holy Communion they would be taking at their last supper together, and the Holy Communion we continue to observe. But they didn’t understand and objected to obeying in the way they understood His words. They found His words even repulsive but knew Him and were confused and puzzled at what He was saying. How could He tell them to eat His flesh and drink His blood? Well, we now know what Jesus was saying and the significance of the sacrifice He was about to do as well as the significance of Holy Communion to each and every one who accepts His sacrifice for their sins. So, why did Jesus use such a graphic way of describing His death and resurrection and their purpose? We can only speculate and wonder. However, we all need to become aware of the ugliness and destructive nature of the sins we commit and realize the impact they have on us but also on Him. We need to take ownership of the pain we cause Him and on ourselves by yielding to temptation and rejecting His council and fellowship. Jesus was meek but never weak. He was compassionate but not tolerant. The world demands Christians be tolerant of evil in the world while being intolerant towards Jesus’ teachings and toward those who follow those teachings. But Jesus taught life and God’s wisdom, which is the one and only path to eternal life. He even told us that He is the only way to eternal life and only through His redemption bought on the Cross can forgiveness and eternal life be obtained (John14:6-7). As a skillful surgeon, Jesus must perform the surgery of cutting out the flesh in us that is corrupted by sin. That is painful but necessary. The means He must use to perform that surgery may be through prayer and soul searching but it often is done by hardship and even tragedy in the life of the believer. But the least we must accept is the willingness to turn from sinful behavior and practices. To even flee the temptations that entrap and persuade us to follow or continue on sinful paths we have followed. When we look at behavior of others, it is easy to justify our own sinfulness thinking our sin is harmless or less evil than theirs.
But Jesus has a pure – perfect standard and perspective that sees our sin in a much darker way. But let’s face it, His perspective is what matters, not ours! Resisting or denying or ignoring Him may appear to work for awhile, but history proves doing so is folly and is dangerous. So what are you doing that Jesus’ is nudging you to repent of and change course? His Holy Spirit is with us giving us that council and nudging sometimes softly and sometimes like a tons of bricks. The world, and our own human natures, tells us to “clean up our own act”. To clean up our own lives and change our own lives by our own will power. But Jesus was telling the disciples, and is telling us to let Him change us first. To embrace His help first and accept His help as we walk that new life by walking with Him. He is saying “If you try to save your life, it’ll slip through your fingers. If you give it away, you’ll find it. I’ll deny you before the Father if you turn back. If anything is keeping you from me, whatever it is, throw it away. If it’s your eye, pull it out. Your hand, cut it off. Your sins, all of them are wiped out — I can do that! I am rebirth. I am life. Eat me. Drink me. And finally, do not be afraid for I have overcome the whole universe!” Aren’t you glad for the hard sayings of Jesus? Now it is time to not only be glad but obedient. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you as we follow His lead going forward. AMEN? AMEN! Thank you, Lord, for caring enough to offend me. Don’t let me ever get comfortable in my sin. Press me up against your hard teachings until I see the offense as… a blessing.
9/2/21 THE MEASURE OF LOVETHE MEASURE OF LOVE 2 “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every goencourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and od deed and word.”word.” 2 Thessalonians 2:16–17

COMMENTS: Christ demonstrated the perfect – purist = greatest love example to us while living as a human. Love was a choice, which meant He could have chosen not to love. A true story is told about a railroad bridge that would raise to let ships pass
under it and would be lowered to let trains cross on the bridge. The operator of that draw bridge would operate the bridge, raising it to let ships pass and lowering it for oncoming trains. He raised bridge one day for a ship and then was about to lower bridge for a passenger train looming at high speed. But then he saw a sight that would terrify anyone, especially a parent. He saw his infant son sitting on the bridge frame. He didn’t have time to get his son and could not get him to crawl back on his own before the train would be there. He then had to decide if he would sacrifice the lives of hundreds of people to save his son or sacrifice his son for those on the train. He cried bitterly as he lowered the bridge and saw the faces of people on that train unaware of his sacrifice going past. I can’t imagine making that choice and reliving the nightmare of that day but such doesn’t hold a candle to God’s sacrifice for you and me as well as all of mankind. I wonder the reaction of the people on that train when they learned of that operator’s sacrifice and great debt they owed him. Yet even those people even died in time. Well, we are aware of Christ’s sacrifice and the even greater debt we owe Him. Greater in the degree of sacrifice and eternal life that sacrifice bought and number of people that sacrifice purchased and continues to purchase. If love could be measured, it would be measured by how much it gives. Would you like to know the extent to which you love your children, your spouse, your roommate, or your co–workers? Then ask yourself: How much do I give? To be honest, love that gives without limits doesn’t even ask that question. Love like that doesn’t even care to measure itself. It just joyfully gives without taking any notice of how much has been sacrificed. That’s how God loves. And the measure of the love of God is in what, or I should say, whom he gave. He gave His Son. His life. His only begotten. He gave everything, nothing held back, every last ounce, all in all. He squandered his love extravagantly and unashamedly on vile sinners. That’s why God should be so easy to trust. With you he never uses words of despair or defeat, hopelessness or frustration. His encouraging love never mentions fear or failure. Those aren’t words of love. Not his love. When God encourages your heart, he speaks words of hope and victory, rest and peace, joy and triumph. Read today’s verse again and you’ll discover God’s eternal encouragement. It’s the measure of his love. If your heart needs to be strengthened today, let him speak to you his loving words of hope and comfort.
Because your love for me is in my heart, Lord, I have something to give. I know your love cannot be idle in my soul; it must grow in me and I, in turn, must give without measure. Encourage me today with your extravagant love and help me to see that you are absolutely worthy of all my trust.


“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:16

COMMENTS: I am told that the view of the earth by a skydiver is breathtaking. I’ve never done that but have seen videos taken by those who have. I am certain seeing videos doesn’t capture a fraction of the awesome experience, but can imagine. I do know pictures of sites of places I’ve visited remind me of those times, including memories of loved ones included in those travels as well as experiences buried in my memories. Well, God’s perspective is infinitely broader and more detailed than the skydiver’s. I have a picture taken from the edge of our solar system. A faint dot is shown, the earth. We know God is there and beyond as well as in our earth all at the same time. Such a God loves and cares for us all at the same time while managing and caring for His entire creation. Such knowledge and contemplation is beyond our imagination and too wonderful to dwell on, yet encourages us to draw closer in awe and worship to Him. Such also encourages me to submit and commit to a deeper level of obedience and fellowship. How about you? There are times in my life when I am filled with joy and gratitude. It may come when someone gives me a gift I never expected. At other times it comes from seeing an incredible painting or from reading a beautiful story. And, of course, there is always that moment when I see a “breathtaking view” of nature.
I can feel that way spiritually at times. Consider the grace of God in John 1:16. Now that’s breathtaking! I’ve grown to see grace on its own as part and parcel of our incredible Lord. His grace saved me. His grace sustains my life. His grace showers rain and sun on the good and the evil. His grace withholds judgment on nations. Inexplicable, his grace. But I accept it and live on. But grace upon grace?! I’m floored. What can I say? His grace upon grace not only lets me live, his grace lets me serve, it lets me worship, it lets me take his name as my own, it called me by name, it grants me fullness of life as John says. His grace upon grace is too much for me. Sometimes I cry out for God to remove it because there is no way I deserve such grace. At that very moment his Spirit says, “I’m glad you see your complete dependence on Me. Now, loosen your limbs. Clear your throat. I’ve got more work for you to do. And more grace.” My breath restored, I live and move again until another day when he takes away my breath again. Lord, you are too good to me. I don’t deserve even the simple pleasures of life, let alone your bountiful grace. It’s too much. But teach me how to move according to that grace. For by it you will be glorified and I shall rejoice. 9/4/21 CONDITIONAL PROMISES 4

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.” John 15:7

‘COMMENTS: God’s love is unconditional but His promises of forgiveness and eternal life and blessings are conditional and requires something of us in order to be claimable and obtainable. Scripture is clear that our forgiveness – redemption – salvation is not
earnable or achievable by our own good works or merits. We simply do not know nor understand the magnitude of debt we owe because of the sins we have done and cost of redemption from punishment those sins require. God’s judgment is certain and unavoidable except only by being covered by Jesus’ blood. John 14:6 reminds us that Jesus is the one and only way of forgiveness and redemption sufficient to pay the debt we all owe that will satisfy the Father’s price for forgiveness. Yet, the condition is we must ask for it and receive it. Salvation is a gift without merit or cost to us but we must ask for it. He made the condition difficult for Him but easy for each of us. Yet satan places barriers in our soul to hinder or discourage us from doing that condition. Pride or other deceptions cause us to delay or refuse to confess our sins to God and ask His forgiveness. The lie that sin is more enjoyable than obedience is one deception of satan. The lie that we can earn our way comes from self-pride that inspired satan to turn from God and to pursue evil. The lie that there is more time to enjoy sin and will have time to repent later. No one knows when death will come. God doesn’t owe us one more second and many have died unexpectantly without warning. But God does warn us to receive His redemption now before it is too late. Today’s verse from John 15:7 remind us that God is willing and even eager to give us what we ask for, but that doesn’t include requests motivates by an evil – selfish soul and those requests that will bring harm and evil to us or to others. If we abide in Him and in His Word, then what we desire and ask for will be different than if we ask out of a selfish soul. Even some Christians believe with enough faith any request will be granted by Him, but verses that imply that are taken out of context and a different or broader interpretation comes if look more closely at surrounding verses and other verses on the subject. Sometimes God says “No”. Sometimes God says “Not yet”. Sometimes God says “Yes”. There are some prayer requests we can be certain of being God’s Will. It is always God’s will that: 1. Everyone, including us and our loved ones but also our enemies, receive salvation and one day live in heaven with Christ forever. 2. Everyone allows the Holy Spirit to guide and enable to know and do His Will. 3. Everyone to be forgiven and learn to forgive others. When we pray for the salvation of others and pray for their healing, we know that too is God’s Will but since we live in a fallen world and everyone has the ability to choose as well as reject God’s Word and Spirit, God will need time to manage circumstances and add opportunities to repent and receive His gifts before He can grant such requests. There are many examples in real life as well as in scripture of Christians praying for
healing or salvation of loved ones for many years before becoming a reality. Often the one praying dies before their prayer is answered. Yet, the important truth to remember is those prayers were heard and answered and in the perspective of eternity, that is all that matters. AMEN? AMEN! First John 5:14-15 says, “If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us–whatever we ask–we know that we have what we asked of him.” Lord, I’m asking only that your will be done in my life. I have the assurance that you will always say “yes” to that prayer!


“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21

COMMENTS: Christ clearly demonstrated what it means to love our neighbor and to love sacrificially – to love like God loves, but examples fill the Old Testament too. Love is commonly only thought of as an emotion but scripture tells us that love is a choice first. Love for a spouse and love for a child or even love for a parent will be fickled (cold and hot) if only controlled by emotions or even by circumstances. Let’s face it, we are often not very loveable, right? Let’s face it. There have been and will continue to be times when we will do and say things that will hurt or even anger our loved ones and they to us, but the choice to forgive and love is an act of our will to value our relationship with them more than being right or dominant and controlling over them or they with us. Doing so is not easy nor in our nature to do so, but when we allow the Holy Spirit in our soul and listen to and obey His voice working in our minds and conscience and soul, we soon discover a source of wisdom and wise council and strength that brings healing and life to withered or dying relationships. Granted, it takes two to build or repair a relationship and both sides need to participate in healing, but God calls us to
start first. So, who and what relationship is He calling and asking us to start working on today? I choose to love, Lord. I choose to obey. May the small things I do today tell others: “Jesus loves you.”
9/6/21 HABAKKUK 6

“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.” Habakkuk 3:17–18 COMMENTS: Scripture commands but also invites and encourage us to rejoice and praise God in good times but especially in bad or difficult or tragic times. The Bible tells us that God rains on the just and unjust. If we were a farmer waken to find our crops destroyed and our fruit trees and vines, how would we react? It would be entirely proper to express anxiety and maybe even anger but it is important to not dwell on that but instead start praising and expressing confidence and trust in God – even before our emotions were able to agree. Habakkuk knew the importance of praise and worship during trying times. The question instead of being “can I trust God during hard times?” is “will I trust God during hard time?” God my Savior, you tell me time and again to rejoice in you despite the daily headaches and heartaches. Sometimes it’s so hard. But
if today happens to see everything unravel at once, empower me not to give in to defeat. Help me to do what Habakkuk did. May I trust you… with a smile.
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16
COMMENTS: The miracle of a brand new day each morning and rest at the end of each day is given us with each sunrise and each sunset. I know, many of us have a work schedule that doesn’t match those hours. But when was the last time you took opportunity to enjoy a beautiful sunrise and a beautiful sunset?
Amy Carmichael once said, “We will have all of eternity to celebrate the victories and only a few hours before the sunset in which to win them.” Like a sunset, life will soon be over in a flash. All the color and glory that we now enjoy will one day suddenly vanish. When standing on the other side of eternity I wonder if we will be amazed that life went by so quickly. I suspect that at that time we literally will not have time to think about it. That’s why we must think about it presently and realize there are timeless moments to be lived right now. A smile for the gas station attendant. A pleasant “God bless you” for the woman at the market. A hug for your spouse, straight from the heart. Prayers offered in spirit and truth. Amy Carmichael would call these victories–and there is little time to collect these, the small victories. The days are fleeting, the hours are evaporating. Before you know it, our chance to prove our love for Jesus will fade. The sun will have set. So hear the echo of
Paul’s words and make the most of every opportunity.
With each sunrise, God gives us new opportunities to enjoy His creation and take advantage of opportunities He gives us to share His Good News by word and by example and by showing His love to others. Those who could be impacted by our lives if we took opportunity given to stop and listen and show God’s love in some way. Those opportunities need not be long and drawn out but simply stopping a few minutes to say hi and listen. God doesn’t ask much of us nor does He ask anything we aren’t capable of doing nor anything we don’t have sufficient time to do, but we need to be open and of the right attitude to see and take opportunities He gives us.
If we do, we will one day see the eternal impact those used opportunities have because God will use them to change lives and accomplish His will, which is always good for you and for me and for others we may not realize. “Dear Father, sometimes I live as though this life will go on forever. I realize that it will not, so help me today to live timeless moments for Jesus. Help me to win victories, no matter how small, for you.”

“The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.” Proverbs 12:22 COMMENTS: Have you ever exaggerated just enough to convince yourself that you were factual – telling the truth while stretching enough to make or prove a point wanting to make. Justifying our choices or actions with exaggerations is a common sin, if we are honest, we must admit to being guilty of. Take a few minutes to reflect on a personal example and then reflect on consequences
or regrets doing so causes. Consequences of unforeseen disappointments or even harm done to someone else as a result. Experience and scripture constantly reminds us that God’s Ways and obedience to Him always brings good and the best results long term without exception. Yet, equally commonly is that His ways are not very appealing or pleasant short term and at times even painful. Yet, being painful because of delaying doing His will and painful because of repairing first consequences of a wrong choice of following a temptation satan has put on our path. Here are some examples of exaggerations and real reason for using them: “I can’t believe that my pastor preached for a whole hour–and–a–half last Sunday.” Translation: The pastor preached ten minutes longer than usual, which cut into my lunchtimes “Our junior high group never does anything interesting and our youth leader is really boring.” Translation: The junior high group doesn’t plan activities in which I enjoy participating. “It rained all day and I got soaking wet.” Translation: It sprinkled lightly, and my hair and sweater got slightly damp. Well, using exaggerations often is due to an attempt to justify selfish or prideful motives without exposing those motives. Our conscience may be pricked a bit, which prompts us to either confess and repent (what we should do) but instead hide and complain for another or made up reason more appealing to us. David chose to repent when Nathan confronted him of his sin of killing Bathsheba’s husband and take her as his wife in order to hide an adulterous encounter with her. By contrast, Saul chose to allow his pride to keep him from repenting when Samuel confronted him of sin of impatience that tempted Saul to do the sacrifice before battle himself instead of waiting for Samuel. Result for Saul was far worse than for David. David received redemption for his repentance while Saul received the judgment of loss of his rule and death for his unrepentance, which also included his son Jonathan. You and I may think David’s sin was much worse than Saul’s but in God’s eyes both were equally bad so the difference in outcome was due to how each responded when confronted by their sin. A powerful lesson for each of us to remember. Lies and exaggerations for whatever reason never brings the result intended. The Bible tells us to “let your ‘Yes’ be yes, and your ‘No,’ no” but Christians, perhaps more than most, are guilty of embellishing the truth. We play into the hands of Satan,
the Father of Lies, when we distort the facts (Virtue Magazine). If you’d like to break the habit of exaggeration, begin by listening carefully to what you say. Shading the truth may seem like one of those gray areas of behavior, but always strive for the ideal: Tell the truth. Father, show me when I am not living out or speaking forth the truth. Stop me if I begin to shade the facts of stories or events, and help me to see that these are lies. May Jesus, the Truth, speak through me today.
9/8/21 WHAT IS AT STAKE? 8

“Now I want you to know brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel.” Philippians 1:12

COMMENTS: The world and each day are full on unplanned obstacles and problems. They are unplanned not because they haven’t happened before but unplanned because there wasn’t any warning before they came on us. By example, a tire goes flat suddenly on our car or our computer crashing without warning. Ants invade our picnic while we are going back to the car for something forgot. By contrast, distant thunder and dark clouds give warning of a coming storm and give at least some time to plan differently to not be caught in the storm unprepared. Paul is reminding us that the trials and persecution he has endured thus far is intended by satan to discourage and weaken his faith and will to obey God’s call, but God intends to use satan’s snares to strengthen Paul and be a catalyst to expedite God’s Will and spreading the Gospel Good News faster and further. Paul knew he did not deserve God’s forgiveness and blessing and was keenly aware of the suffering he had inflicted on his fellow Christians prior to his conversion. But he also had accepted the truth that suffering was not being inflicted by God as judgment for past sins, but by satan attempting to discourage and hinder doing God’s work. That made all the difference in way Paul lived and what he did. Realizing this energized Paul and resolve to even more passionately to follow and obey God. No one is except or guiltless of past sins but everyone who confesses and asks for
Christ’s forgiveness does receive the forgiveness and eternal life and the fellowship with God he desires and so much more. That is the fundamental reason for the hope and joy demonstrated in first Century Christians who endured terrible suffering and persecution at the hands of evil and misguided Jewish and pagan leaders and soldiers. Hope and Joy that authenticated the Gospel message and became catalyst for many to embrace their faith too both then and in every generation since. You and I are called to live and share that same faith and hope and joy today. We may not endure prison like Paul or Christians of his generation and time. However, we will certainly face circumstances beyond our control and will hinder or delay or even prevent our plans or hinder living a normal life. Hardship and even crisis and tragedy may be in our future and most certainly will at some point, so how we respond or react will be determined by our relationship with God and choices we make in meantime. Our response will make our witness powerful and impactful if we remain faithful and keep our eyes and minds on Him and His Word. You can be accountable for a godly response both during times of big problems but also for normal life problems and obstacles we all endure most days. Just remember what’s at stake. Dear Lord Jesus, I realize that I have an opportunity today to advance your Gospel by my patient response to problems. I pray that as others look on–whether my family, neighbors, or co–workers–they will see that you give me power and strength to smile through the circumstances. I know that others will be influenced by my attitude. And because you are watching, assist me to honor you today in all that I do.
9/9/21 God’s Assurance 9

“Let me draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22 COMMENTS: Christians have God’s definition of their Faith as the Assurance of God’s promises coming true long before there is any evidence that they will. However,
the world defines faith is empty hope without any confidence that will happen unless they make it happen by their own determination and soliciting help of others. For the Christian, God’s timing is totally in His control but the world says we are in control of our own destiny. Well, it is true God gives us free will to make choices which do affect the timing of implementation of His Will and responses to our prayers. But it is also true that God perfectly manages effects of both good and poor choices to accomplish His Will. The Puritans believed the full assurance of faith came from great trials or testing, bringing strength and wisdom by exercising that faith and fellowship with God during that time of testing. Joni Eareckson Tata has bee n a wheelchair bound paraplegic for nearly 60 years, enduring physical pain and limits without relief, but result has been a rich and deep relationship with God and impactful ministry very few even devout Christians achieve and an unparalleled credibility and multitude of followers note likely possible without her physical limitation. The accident causing her paralysis reflected foolishness but how God used that foolish mistake to do eternal good is amazing but not uncommon. More commonly He uses less dramatic situations and choices as well. Your times of trial and testing can be God’s way of applying Hebrews 10:22 in your life. Through hardships, you can draw nearer to God. Your heart can be made sincerer. Your faith will rise to full assurance of wondrous spiritual realities. Remember: Faith is the assurance of things hoped for! Father, I am grateful that you have given me assurance of my salvation, but there are so many more spiritual realities of which I long to be certain. As I trust you in my trials, thank you for brightening the eye of my soul and quickening my spiritual understanding.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

COMMENTS: How busy is your life and how full is your schedule? I can
remember being so busy that the thought of several days of bed rest looked very appealing but I also remember times of having the flu or an illness that required several days of bed rest but soon longed for day I could get up and go back to my work and volunteer and family schedule. I looked forward to retirement and was so excited as that day approached but soon realized how much I would miss the relationship with many I worked with and interacted with during my working day. Well, “the grass is always greener across the street” refers to human desire for something different than what we have while lacking appreciation for what we do have. Joni Eareckson Tata recently shared of enduring 4 weeks of necessary bed rest while using this verse to discover a new insight from God. As she meditated on this verse, she reflected on previously learned reminders God gave her to pray and practice patience during times of affliction or hurting. She learned to draw closer to Him during those times, spending more time with Christ during those times. But now He was using such a time to teach her a new lesson on hope, longing or looking forward to something we want or need but not yet possessing. Joni shared that during that time confined to her bed, God showed her the importance of and His desire for her to know joy in anticipation of future
possessions He has promised her. For her, the short term future looks bleak due to an aging – crippled – weakening body but approaching is the hope based on Christ’s promise to her of a new immortal body in a home He is preparing for her with Him. That hope gives he much joy because with that promise includes promised hope from knowing her beloved husband and family will be joining her there one day. Does that reflection bring you joy too? Each day of life is a precious gift each of us is given with an opportunity to start over, correcting yesterday’s mistakes or wrongs or to build off of yesterday’s successes or wise choices. As I write this, it is still dark outside but within a few minutes the sun will start spreading light across the dark sky – reminding us that God’s hand and love likewise will not be stopped even though the darkness seems impenetrable and endless now. Some sunrises are more beautiful and colorful than others, but everyone is equally effective in overcoming the night’s darkness. Does the promise of heaven bring a smile on your face? Does a sunrise remind you of that hope and bring you joy? How about tomorrow morning getting up a bit earlier to spend some time with your Lord and watch the sun come up with Him and see what promises He will remind you that He made to you and give Him the worship and praise and thanks He so desires and deserves from you. You give me so much hope, Lord, that I can’t help but be joyful. You are the
focus of my hope and the source of my delight. Whatever I face today, may I face it with the attitude of Romans 12:12.
9/11/21 LIMITATIONS 11

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:9–10

COMMENTS: I remember our children doodling on the “children’s placemat” when eating at our favorite restaurant. Of course, for our children it was always “McDonalds” but for us it was different but most would have those children’s paper placemats they would provide with a small box of crayons. That would help keep them preoccupied while waiting for waitress to bring our food. Of course, those days are long gone and even our granddaughter is a teenager and our two step grandsons are in their 20s. Yet, they still need our help now and again and still in constant need of our prayers and love and support. I think often of similar times when we were the children living with our parents, over 60 years ago but seeming just yesterday. Those memories and the lives of those now long gone still resonate in our minds and thoughts and souls. Joni Eareckson Tata’s diving accident paralyzed her permanently from the shoulder down, forcing her to learn to paint with a brush in her mouth and be confided to mobility only with a motorized wheelchair. Yet she has also learned to drive with a modified van. Joni became angry towards God but that didn’t last as she opens her soul and mind to God’s masterful hand painting on the canvas of her soul the picture of His will and
calling for her, one she has followed so well and obediently. She confesses her limits had a great purpose and forced her to a level of surrender and obedience and discipline she wouldn’t have been capable of understanding or accepting 50 years ago. But God painted on her life a picture one stroke at a time that has become a beautiful masterpiece to behold. God, you have an amazing way of always doing more with less. We give you our limitations and your Spirit is set free to accomplish far more through us than we ever imagined. I bless you for my weaknesses.

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:10–11

COMMENTS: Knowledge can be identified at different levels. Information simply memorized and recited back is the lowest level of memory of knowledge or information. Learning includes not only memorizing facts and information but understanding and applying that information to current situations and circumstances Reading and memorizing scripture is good and beneficial but only if seek God’s teaching Holy Spirit to apply and instruct us today. Paul wrote about knowledge of Christ as head or intellectual knowledge, but he also speaking of knowing Christ, which is referring to “heart knowledge” or a personal relationship with Christ. Learning the life lessons and purpose of the knowledge God shares in His Word is more challenging and vitally important to us. Interpretation and “reading more into scripture” is the danger and risk of doing harm. That is why it is vital to always prayerfully read scripture and be careful to include verses before and after scripture quotes and to take note of background and individuals scripture is speaking about and speaking to. Yet, verses like John 14:6 remind and reassure us that accepting Christ’s sacrifice and gift of
salvation is the only way to God’s forgiveness and redemption. Deeds and changing our conduct for the better are good and provide evidence of change but are never sufficient or a substitute for sincere repentance. Knowing the Father is only possible by knowing Christ . When Paul wrote Philippians 3:10, he used the word “know” to reflect a deep personal relationship and not just casual or second hand knowledge. Paul wanted to know his Lord spiritually. His was a desire to fellowship with the Lord through direct experience, not through mere head knowledge. The apostle Peter echoes this desire in 2 Peter 1:4 where believers are told that we “participate in the divine nature.” In other words, believers have a share within and a portion of the Lord Jesus. This is how up–close and personal your spiritual fellowship with the Lord is meant to be. Not a head knowledge… but a heart knowledge. Take time to fellowship with Jesus. Taste the Bread of Heaven. Drink deeply of the Living Water. Be the branch that relaxes in him, the Vine. Get to know him through direct experience, not merely through intellectual comprehension. Lord of my life, you have shed your blood for me, dying on the cross so that we might have intimate fellowship. Forgive me when I only demonstrate a desire to know about you, rather than truly know you. I echo the apostle Paul when I say today that I desire to enjoy a close and personal union with you.
“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” Matthew 26:39
COMMENTS: Many churches and pastors and evangelists sincerely preach a “prosperity gospel” and so called “name it, claim it” theology. Such was very popular in 1970s especially, and I can recall as a young man struggling with this issue. I wanted it to be true but in my soul I struggled when looked at examples that showed me a different theology and even some examples in scripture. However, equally persuasive were many examples of great healing both in contemporary times as well as in biblical times. So who is right? Well, Joni Eareckson Tata shares with us how she prayed earnestly for healing for many years after her accident. But the outcome of that time of passionate prayer and pleading with God brought her strong faith and passionate love for Christ but without physical healing. So why do some receive God’s healing while others go without? Is it just about having enough faith or is there more to the answer to this question? Well, Jesus didn’t heal everyone seeking His healing touch. Joni’s example is a valuable one for her and for us too. God is sovereign and does know best, and will weigh our requests seriously against His Will. Great things can happen when God does not give us what we want. Even the Father did not abide by the pleadings of his Son. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus longed to bypass the cross. He hoped it might be possible for his Father to take him in another direction. But at the close of his prayer, Jesus knew his pleadings were over. He was heading for Calvary. But, oh, the glorious things that happened as a result of the Father’s denying the Son his request. For one thing, the salvation of the world hinged on Christ’s obedience to the Father’s will. Thank heaven that the cross happened. A lot may hinge on God saying “no” to your wants and wishes. A lot of good may result in his taking you in another direction. So, what is it you want? Popularity or a clean reputation? An agreeable husband, an understanding wife? A bank loan? A thin body? If God does not grant you your wish, please know that he wants to strengthen you as you accept what comes from his hand. Ultimately, that may be the very thing your heart desires most. 100 years from now, when we are looking back from heaven on this day and time, will we regret not getting what we want and asked Him for or glad He chose to give us what we needed? I’m sure we will be glad He met our needs instead of only our wants. I suspect we will discover that a lot sooner than 100 years from now. Agree? AMEN! AMEN! Lord, not my will but your will be done today!

“At noon Elijah began to taunt them. ‘Shout louder!’ he said. ‘Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.’” 1 Kings 18:27

COMMENTS: The story of Elijah competing with 450 Baal priests is an amazing example of how God enables and helps and takes care of His faithful servants. Could you imagine being there and witnessing God’s faithfulness and presence and power? Then to enable Elijah to run and cover distances comparable to a chariot with the fastest horse. One day in heaven I’m looking forward to hearing this and other stories like this directly from Elijah himself. Doing so will only draw us in worship to God. AMEN? But Elijah went through some dry times when it seemed God was distant, leaving Elijah vulnerable and prey to a wicked king and queen. But Elijah remained faithful and sought God’s council and presence until God revealed Himself and His instruction to Elijah. Elijah wasn’t able to go very long without God’s council or presence to energize and provide encouragement and course adjustments because Elijah, like us, is prone to wonder. Prayer and study of scripture is where we meet God and hear from Him and speak to Him. Yet, commonly prayer and study becomes dry and cold. When that happen, as it did for Elijah, we need to stay the course and continue to pray until we “pray through” or receive a response from God in our minds and soul. It is hard for you and me to understand why God often appears to distance Himself from us just when we need Him most. Yet, Job gives us an example of this along with the hardship and suffering He had to endure for a time without knowing why or for how long. Granted, the reasons may not always or even often be the same as for Job,
but I suspect the reasons are often similar. Just as Job needed to demonstrate his faithfulness before God would reveal His purpose, so do we at times. God’s purpose isn’t to learn if we are faithful because He already knows that. It more likely is because He wants us to discover the answer to how faithful we are and also to exercise that faith to make it stronger in preparation for a more challenging test and work He wants us to do. During times like Job’s test, we need to realize God is not busy or off traveling or snoozing. His love and focus and abiding presence to each of us is not diminished nor paused. His love is constant and changeless and His abiding presence is constant too even when we can’t feel or sense His presence. His purpose for you hasn’t changed. Experiencing dry wasteland of trials and testing is not permanent and all will be revealed one day when we reach our final destination. Granted, often our hardships and dry times are a result of our own sin and poor choices. Yet they are often not due to our own poor choices but impact of other’s poor choices on us. So, cause may be different but God’s intervention and presence remains on place and His focus. Take the advice of Luke 21:28: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Take heart. Be of good courage. And lift before your Lord Psalm 63:1: “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you… in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” Lord, may the dry times in my soul serve as a reminder for me to keep seeking you and keep loving you. Help me to remember that during barren times, you still seek and love me.
9/15/21 FENCES 15

“Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. 3 The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.”.”Isaiah1:1-3
COMMENTS: If you have or ever had a pet, you know how devoted that pet is to you. Dogs tend to show their affection more obviously than cats or other animals, but most show affection. Now, dogs tend to act like they haven’t seen you for weeks even if separation was brief, but cats tend to be more guarded and restrained in showing their affection. That dog or cat trusts you and depends on you completely. Likewise, an ox or horse or donkey know their owner and know what is expected when their master puts a saddle or yoke or harness on them. They even seem to understand when their master talk with them. Isaiah compares Israel to that donkey or ox and God to their master. As I grew up, I noticed friendships between fellow piers as well as between adults. Some of those friendships were one sided – a giver and a taker, while others were giving to each other and joining forces to give to others. I have experienced both types personally and can confidently say the first type is far less enjoyable and sustainable than the second. The first consumes life and energy without replenishing life energy while the second replenishes life energy while sharing and giving it. We all dream of relationships and friendships of the second type but all too often settle for the first type being the giver primarily. God so wants us to enjoy the second type, in our families – marriages – friendships – work environment – in our churches – in our volunteer work, but He also wants to transform others through us. He places fences around us to protect us and set boundaries we need so we know we are obeying or not obeying Him. When we go outside those boundaries without His permission or instruction, we discover and know we have disobeyed Him and are vulnerable and at risk of dangers ready to weaken and harm us. The safety and confidence our Master and boundaries He sets provides, we still tend to become discontent with those boundaries and test them. It is sad we do so, because the harm we cause ourselves and lost – wasted time and energy consumed that God intended for us to use doing the work His Will intended. Yet, God is not only the Great Redeemer of souls but the Redeemer of lost time and energy too. So His Will will be accomplished in His Time and Way either with us or without us, but He so wants and works so hard to be accomplished with us if we only obey and submit to Him. God has given us boundaries in our marriage, our friendships, and in our knowledge of evil. There are even borders for your desires and lines for
your emotions. Stay within the boundaries God has placed around you. Father, forgive me when I search all along the fence line of my thoughts for an escape. I want to stay behind your fence of protection!

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9

COMMENTS: Satan has an ancient but broad and effective display of temptations he effectively tries to lure us into sin with. Temptations appealing to our senses or emotions or even our reasoning. Temptations that motivate us to put ourselves and wants above others and satisfy current wants without regard to consequences. The news and all of history is full of results from humans following satan’s lures. But news and history is also full of accounts of blessing and wonderful results of those who followed God’s ways and received good. The results of both are consistent but each generation and every human must choose for themselves. Choices that not only include turning from sinful behavior and choices but turning to good God designed choices which include self-sacrifice for others, praying for others and showing kindness even to those who have hurt or harmed us. If we truly believe eternal life in heaven with Christ and His followers is our eternal future, then we need to live in such a way to invest in that goal instead of just satisfying immediate needs and wants. That also means investing in relationships that have
eternal potential and good. That bring glory and credit to God instead of to ourselves. Approaching life’s problems and difficulties and choices based on Romans 12:9. Jesus went on to instruct us to bless those who persecute us and love our enemies. He demonstrated that choice to love to us while we were still His enemy persecuting Him by our sinful choices. Oh Lord, I confess I am so critical of so many wrongs in society, but I don’t pray for the people who perpetuate the wrongdoing. May my love be sincere and may you use my prayers to win those people to you

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.’” Matthew 18:1–4

COMMENTS: Who is great in God’s eyes? Jesus sets up a little child as his answer. Mind you, childhood back in those days was a condition not to be desired by any adult, and Jesus points to the child not as a winsome example of how charming and simple we’re supposed to be, but rather how lowly. When it came to the social ladder, children were losers. In the disciples’
eyes, they didn’t even qualify for the first rung. Yet if we want to follow Jesus, we must be like children–lacking rights, needing instruction, and enjoying little–to–no respect. Throughout Scripture, Jesus exalts losers. Whether highlighting children, or hobnobbing with prostitutes and tax collectors, Jesus rubs the salt of lostness into the sensibilities of those who are preoccupied with the sweetness of their successes. Jesus lifts up the last. The least. The lost. The little. And even the dead. He drives home that he will not reward the rewardable or improve the improvable. His grace is reserved or those who, like a little child, see themselves as… little. Who is great in God’s eyes? Whoever humbles himself like such a child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Malcolm Muggeridge said, “Jesus is not a prophet to the winners but to losers, proclaiming that the last shall be first, the weak, strong, and the fools, wise. It is the lowly, not the proud, who shall inherit the kingdom of heaven.” When I see a child today, Lord, help me to see who you want me to be.
COMMENTS: God blesses us by providing everything we need and much of what we want. He even allows us to have some things that can do us harm if we insist on them. Israel wanted a king and persisted until God allowed them to have a king. But the king they chose was Saul while his replacement was one God chose, David. Their lives reflect the difference. Saul never got past his own wants and ambitions and selfish choices that consistently drew him farther and farther away from God, while David chose the path of repentance that drew him closer to God. They both were prone to sin and both made significant wrong choices, but they both made some good choices too. Saul could have repented when Samuel confronted him with his sin. David did when confronted by Nathan with his sin. Saul tried to hide his sin while David humbled himself and repented before God and before his subjects. God rewarded David with forgiveness but also rewarded him by making his family line include Christ. Today’s verse reminds us how complete and necessary God’s cleansing is to us – life giving and life sustaining. Being remorseful for our sins is a sign of a softened conscience, which pleases God and opens us to receive His forgiveness and abiding presence in our soul.
Psalm 51 expresses the remorse David felt and the remorse you and I need to feel daily as we seek His cleansing spirit to clean us from the dirt and sin we accumulate daily while living in this corrupt world. Cleansing that enables us to receive His life giving council and living Word as David did instead of death that Saul continued to consume. I think it is unsettling to also realize just how unaware David was of how far he had wondered away from God because of his sin with Bathsheba. He had justified in his own mind and heart the evil he did and murder of Bathsheba’s husband. David, like Saul, was worthy of death but instead repented and received God’s mercy – forgiveness – blessing. David’s example is not to show us how to get away with sin and “with murder” but where to go for forgiveness and also where to go to avoid sin. Psalm 51 is such a psalm to remind and empower us to learn from David’s example and learn also how to receive God’s cleansing too. Scripture reminds us that we all have sinned and are all unclean and in need of a Savior. We all need cleaned daily and not just once… Sin is anything that does not express, or that is contrary to, the holy character of God. Sin then is not merely what we do, but what we are. Praise God he has dealt with our sin finally and completely on the cross–that’s why nothing will soften a conscience more than a lively and buoyant love for the Savior. Lord, according to your great compassion, blot out my transgression and wash away all of my iniquity. Make me clean, O God!
9/18/21 Receiving His Strength and Sharing Strength to Others 18
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength till each appears before God in Zion.”
Psalm 84:5–7

COMMENTS: You and I know that God’s Will and Ways are best. We know He has our best interests at Heart and following His Plan will benefit both ourselves and others influenced by our actions and influence. We know God’s Will will be done either in spite of us or with our help. We know our work has eternal (lasting) impact when obey God’s direction. So, why do we drag our feet resisting Him? Well, there are a number of reasons: 1. God’s way is less appealing and more difficult at least in the beginning 2. Satan’s influence is appealing because it appeals to human desires and our selfish – prideful nature even though he has no intention of keeping his promises or delivering what we want or expect. 3. Satan given short term appeal with no regard to long term consequences while God delivers long term benefits at some short term sacrifice. So, once we finally get past making the wise and best choice to turn from satan’s lures and to Christ’s long term goals, the next obstacle or challenge is to sustain the journey of obedience to God’s Plan. That requires: 1. Planning and determination on our part. 2. Prayer and Bible Study to put and keep our minds on Him. 3. Seek His strength and help to reach and sustain faithful obedience each days. 4. Join with other believers in Church and small group study and gathering to encourage and be accountable each other – to strength each other. We each have strengths and weaknesses, different talents and natural abilities, different experience and skill sets, different personalities and passions, different opportunities and interests. So, working together and sharing and working together to reach common goals – especially the Goal of accomplishing His Goals is best for us and accomplishes the best to others. Stop and think. What company would survive without employees working together to build product or provide services its customers pay for. Restaurants require good cooks to make quality meals and waiters/waitresses to bring those meals to customers. How about truck drivers and managers to bring ingredients and manage workers and provide an appealing place to work and purchase and consume those meals.
I’ve often pondered who people can get along in a work environment but fight and argue bitterly in their home or church or neighborhoods. That shows me that we do what we choose to do, but serve God half-heartedly or with less discipline because we fail to see the need or benefit. Maybe that is because God asks us to trust Him to provide benefits and rewards without seeing evidence of those benefits immediately. Joni Eareckson Tada has endured pain and limits of being a paraplegic and cancer survivor, but she has learned to trust God sufficiently to obey His call and do His Will while enduring those hardships even without evidence of coming healing in her lifetime. If you have set your heart on pilgrimage, you’re going somewhere! But you can only get there if you move through your busy day from strength to strength. Remind me, Lord, to take many pauses throughout the day to think about you, pray to you, share a verse of Scripture with a friend, or sing a hymn even if no one’s around. Carry me from strength to strength.


“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead.” Ephesians 1:18–20

COMMENTS: The evidence of God’s power working in our lives is evident in calming peace we show and confidence in His promises and wisdom in the choices we make, especially during difficult and trying and even dangerous times. Daniel showed that confidence as he was thrown into a den of hungry lions. Joseph showed that confidence as he was waiting in prison unjustly accused. Esther showed that confidence as she approached the king to spared her fellow Israelites.
Joni Eareckson is one such person who demonstrates that same confidence as she continues to endure paralysis and pain. The power of her faith and trust in Christ has become a powerhouse of determination and strength for her that enables her to lead a ministry far beyond the vision and ability of many in far better physical health. God has an infinite reserve of power available to His faithful followers. Meekness is defined by Webster as “Power under Control”. Christ is the ultimate example of “Power under Control” as well as “Perfect Love”. He is so worthy of our love and obedience and full trust. Those who fully learn and live knowing that discover fresh access to that power and love – transforming their lives and impacting the lives of all who know them. You and I need to pursue and seek Christ too and embrace the transformation He desires to do in and through us too. Joni has accomplished amazing things both in spite of and because of her handicaps, but she is quick to confess it is not her but Christ who lives within her soul. She is also quick to give the glory and praise and credit exclusively to Him “FOR HE IS WORTHY!” The usual word for God’s power in the Greek New Testament is dunamis, from which we get the word “dynamite.” What a display of God’s dynamite power it would be if, let’s say, people in wheelchairs, like me, were raised up. Such explosive miracles would be a powerful witness of the mighty strength of God. We also get the word “dynamo” from dunamis. A dynamo is just as strong as dynamite, and maybe more so. But the power of a dynamo isn’t as obvious. Its power is quiet, controlled, and steady, unlike the explosive “bang” you get from sticks of dynamite. This is the kind of inward power that is displayed by God in the lives of saintly Christians who may never experience a rising up out of their suffering, believers who may never know an outward miracle. It takes God’s power to be a faithful spouse, a conscientious parent, or a responsible office worker. If you’re struggling, remember that his power for you is incomparably great. If the Father could raise his Son from the dead, he can raise you above your circumstances. Lord, by your power, I ask you to do dynamo miracles on the inside of me and, as

“For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” Romans 8:13–14

COMMENTS: An ancient Indian story is told of a young warrior battling two natures – one good and one evil. The question is asked during the story “which nature wins at the end of the story? The answer is given “the one the warrior feeds”. Wo too are battling two external sources of influence – one evil with its source being satan and his demons. The other is good with its source God and His angels. If we were to write down the characteristic of the evil side and then the characteristics of the good side. Then we should reflect and ask ourselves what characteristics we demonstrate off both lists? Are there fewer on evil side and more on good side or more on evil side and less on good side as time passes? Well, if we are honest, we will conclude there is still too many evil characteristics we still demonstrate and not enough good ones. Then if we make a list of Christ’s characteristics and look into scripture to see what those characteristics looked like in way Christ lived His human life, we should begin to get a clear picture of what our life should look more like as we grow in years and experience. Well, Christ was sinless and lived a sinless perfect life, which we are not able to live while wearing this flesh. BUT WE ARE ABLE TO GROW AND BECOME MORE LIKE OUR PERFECT EXAMPLE IN CHRIST EACH DAY AND YEAR. How do we accomplish this? BY STARVING OUR EYES AND MINDS AND EARS FROM EXPOSURE TO EVIL, AND REPLACE THOSE OPPORTUNITIES WITH GOOD EXPOSURE FROM SCRIPTURE AND PRAYER AND ASSOCIATING WITH OTHERS THAT REINFORCE GOOD CHARACTERISTICS WE ARE WEAK IN AND MOVE AWAY FROM THOSE WHO REINFORCE EVIL CHARACTERISTICS. Granted, we are to witness to sinners but that is different if we focus on feeding and exposing ourselves mostly with good things and not evil things. Jesus’ primary purpose in coming was to deal with sin and its effects. He sternly confronted the Pharisees. He scolded the crowd about to stone an adulteress. He
pointedly reminded the rich young ruler to relinquish his wealth. He even confronted sinful attitudes and actions in those who were dearest to his heart. He admonished his mother. He corrected Martha and then later on, her sister, Mary. He chided doubting Thomas and harshly rebuked Peter. Jesus squared off against sin because he knew it was the ruin of those he loved. We feel his love most when he makes us most conscious of our rebellion. If you desire to become more like Jesus, if you want to get closer and know him better, then be prepared to have him uproot sin from your life. Little wonder Jesus despised sin. John Bunyan gives insight: “Sin is the dare of God’s justice, the rape of his mercy, the jeer of his patience, the slight of his power, and the contempt of his love.” Father, help me to understand that I am most like you when I am truly sensitive to evil–whether around me or inside of me. I forsake my sin and cling to you!

9/21/21 “911” + Psalm 91 = VICTORY 21

Psalm 91 ” Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night,nor the arrow that flies by day,6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at midday.7 A thousand may fall at your side,ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you.8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.9 If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling.10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

COMMENTS: God’s Word is a powerful weapon. To not know and use His Word is like going into battle without weapons and knowledge and skills in using them. That is just how helpless we are against satan’s lures and distractions. After all, he has had 6000+ years to practice and we humans haven’t learned from folly of our
ancestors. By contrast, God has provided His Word with details on experiences of those before us as well as God’s Wisdom and council to help and guide us. It doesn’t stop there. He also has bought our redemption and salvation and will abide in each of us to guide and help and alert us so we can choose and stay on the path to life He has for us as well as becoming alert to help others along the way. Psalm 91 is a wonderful psalm giving us the words of life to encourage and strength us but also to give us wonderful words to help us express praise and worship and thoughts to our God. Learning Psalm 91 and using portions in prayer has been a valuable tool and weapon by many before us, so suggest you join me in discovering the value of doing so too. AMEN? AMEN!
9/22/21 NUMBER OUR DAYS 22
“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12

COMMENTS: If you know that you have a limited time in a place, it forces us to see priorities so most things get done first and then any remaining time can be used on optional tasks in boundaries of their importance. Likewise, our time on earth is limited, which means we need to set priorities they
imply, setting priorities to assure the most important goals and task are done before it is too late. Yet the question of what those priorities are and order of doing them is critical. Joni Eareckson shared in a recent devotion that she makes it a habit the first thing each morning to pray: “Lord, this day is worth a thousand years of eternity and that means that the people I meet, the letters I write, the conversations I have… these all have value in your sight. Teach me to measure each moment.” Each of us, young or olds – rich or poor – working or retired – free or slave all are given 24 hrs. each day except for our last day. We can’t buy another minute but medical intervention or avoiding dangerous situations may cause us to avoid injury or resulting death. So, lets reflect and exercise wisdom by ask God to teach us to consider each day separate from the next, distinct in its purpose, unique in the way He wants it to be lived. James 4:14 “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” Isaiah 40:6–7 “All men are like grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the Lord blows on them. Surely the people are grass.” When we finally arrive in heaven, we will be surprised by many things, but nothing will amaze us more than how short life on earth really was. You have written this day in your book, Lord, so teach me to spend it wisely for your glory.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you,
not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

COMMENTS: Thus far we only know Christ’s patience and mercy since we have been living in the age of Grace since that first Easter morning. But He also warns us of God’s coming judgment on those who reject His forgiveness and Grace. He bore our judgment so we won’t have to, but there is no other option or path to redemption. We need no other, but any who reject His only way (John 14:6), will fine no other way sufficient. Revelation gives us details on God’s judgment, which will also be administered by Christ on satan and all his demons and all humans who followed his lies and deception and evil. Then it will be too late to repent. I don’t know about you but I am torn. I long for Christ’s promised return to bind satan and stop his evil influence and reign judgment on his followers and demons. Yet, I have beloved family and friends who still do not know Christ and will be on that judgment list if they fail to accept Christ before He returns. I believe He has waited a long time for more to accept His redemption. He waited for me and He waited for you if you know Him. He is waiting for more. His redemption is available and offered to everyone who accepts it. One day soon Christ is returning to finish His work. His work of redemption is finished but His work of judgment is coming. Both are foretold many places even in the Old Testament (like Isaiah 61). Knowing this, I believe you too are also torn because you too are longing for more to accept His redemption. Family and friends, many of which live kind and honest and loving lives at a level above many repentant sinners still struggling with hurtful sins. You may wonder why Christ is so insistent on repentance for “decent – kind” people for salvation. But the question really is why not believe what God’s Word says and yield to Him? What about those who never had opportunity to choose. I am glad you and I are not in the position to determine who gets into heaven, that alone is God’s, but history gives us examples of those who found Him by opportunities only God could orchestrate. Some who received a direct revelation for God.
Thank you, Lord, that nearly two thousand years have passed since you announced your Messiah manifesto. Bless you for being patient, for not instituting God’s wrath. So many people have come into your kingdom as a result of your patience.
9/24/21 HUMILITY 24
“Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” I Peter 5:5–6

COMMENTS: God’s perspective is so much different than ours. Sins we would judge most severe and harmful and “unforgiveable” like murder or rape or enslavement would be worthy of judgment without opportunity to repent in our opinion but not with God. The sin He judges most severely is pride. Why? Only God knows the full explanation but pride prevents us from admitting our sins like no other sin, so reason may be more what pride does to us more than the severity of the sin over others. Well, we are told to pursue humility and shed a prideful attitude or influence.
When you think of the apostle Peter, you do not often think of humility. Brazen, outspoken Peter often talked out of turn and acted on impulse. This rough, tough fisherman spoke without thinking and often ended up embarrassing himself along with the rest of the disciples. What did he know of humility? When Peter penned these verses about humility in his first epistle, I believe he drew his words from a vivid, clear memory of his Lord. He probably recalled the picture of Jesus in the Upper Room the night he was betrayed. Peter no doubt remembered the Lord’s wrapping the towel around his waist, stooping beside a wash basin, and gently wiping the feet of each disciple. Peter was the one who protested, but the Lord was demonstrating a lesson in humble service–a lesson that Peter, more than most, needed to learn. Greek scholars tell me that the phrase “clothe yourself with humility” means to wrap humility around you as you would a towel or a servant’s apron. That’s a fitting picture for all of us who follow the example of our servant Lord. Christian leaders best demonstrate their leadership when they wrap around them the apron of a servant. To lead others means to wash their feet in humility, looking out for their interests before your own. If you are placed in a position of leadership today–leading your children, co–workers, or friends–let your first act toward them be one of service. Service in humility. Servant Lord, my heart kneels before you in praise and adoration. I bow before you in reverence and place myself under your authority. I lower myself beneath your hand of discipline and give you thanks.
“Moses said to the Lord, ‘O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.’” Exodus 4:10

COMMENTS: If talking with God was like talking to a famous or influential or well known or successful or educated person, we would naturally be intimidated and try to put on our best cloths and face and conduct. We would try to talk like how we perceived other successful people talk and filter our conversation to match the expectation we think that person would expect from us. Receiving acceptance from others is a goal and even a passion of most. Well, fellowship and conversation with God is possible by a wonderful tool God has created for that purpose called “prayer”. He has put within each of us the ability to pray to Him and receive communication back from Him. He also has the ability to receive and give conversation back and forth individually with all at the same time. But God intends for us to converse with Him honestly and comfortable without fear or intimidation. Jesus presented Himself as God but also as our best and closest friend and even brother. Granted, talking with God seems intimidating and unnatural to those who don’t know Him nor have received His forgiveness and redemption. But those who have discover the love and desire for fellowship God has for each one of us, soon discover prayer and meditation and bible study to be a great
source to His love and joy – peace of being in fellowship with Him. Some Christians find it easier to talk to God than with him. But prayer is cultivating a relationship with the Lord of the universe. Prayer is holding a conversation with him, sharing your hopes, dreams, and affections, as well as listening to his hopes and affections. That we can talk with God is truly astounding. If you have a desire to talk with God, you are already halfway there, because if you pay attention to those desires, your prayer life will be a conversation with your Savior and Lord. Talking with God is not first and foremost petitioning, or finding answers or getting things… talking with him is a new level of listening to the voice of your Lord. When you talk with someone, you share your thoughts and ideas and then listen. You listen to what your friend has to say. The same is true when we talk with God. Pause during your praise and intercession for long moments just to… listen. Wait on the Lord to hear what Scriptures he places on your mind. Focus the ears of your heart on him, keeping distractions at bay and your wandering mind in check. This is listening. This is talking with the Lord. How I praise you, Lord, that you desire a two–way communication with me. Forgive me when I talk at you… and fail to speak to you and then listen. May my prayer life grow in this way.
9/26/21 CRAZY MOMENTS 26

“Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar. In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror.”
Isaiah 33:17–18

COMMENTS: How often have you been blessed with Sunday Morning Sunday school and worship service but when got home the duties of making lunch and a variety of other things quickly distract and soon discover you have forgotten the message and feel no closer to God than before. Well, even though such is common and discouraging, life will soon bring us to our knees with realization we need that fellowship and council and help from His Holy Spirit constantly. When things go wrong and we become overwhelmed and discouraged, going to Him for help is essential and makes all the difference. Doing so is a witness to others that doing so will make all the difference for them too. We all need a Savior, but we all also need a Companion and Helper and Councilor too. We all have that need in common. Difficult times and times of loss or disaster are times we will come to Him for help. However, prosperous and peaceful times are when we need Him even more. We are tempted them to leave Him out of our lives because managing ourselves is more doable, but we need Him to help us avoid sinful and foolish choices and because fellowship with Him needs to be continuous. You are the Lord of my crazy moments, and I thank you, God, for allowing those nerve-wracking times. When they happen, it’s your way of reminding
me to look to you, my King.

“For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” Hebrews 2:17–18

COMMENTS: Christ had to take on human form with all of our human weaknesses in order to qualify as our substitute and sacrifice. He must not sin but must experience all the temptations and choice (good and bad) we do but always choose the good and perfect. He gave up all divine privilege and ability and strength and powers and only had access to what is available from God to each of us. His relationship with the Father was limited to prayer and revelation from His Word like it is to us. That way, to always choose good and not evil was just as hard for Him as it is for us. That way, His death and sacrifice for us met the requirements of the Father and His Law. Also, the sacrifice of His life was a perfect
sinless – guiltless but given freely and willingly because of Christ’s deep love for us. Doing so was cruel and unfair for Him but so wonderful and priceless for us. What could have obligated him to such a thing? God always has a reason. Hebrews 2:17–18 tells us why. Why was he obligated? So that he could be merciful and faithful and so that he could come to the aid of those who are tempted. Christ fulfilled his obligation because it is incumbent upon every high priest to know why he is doing what he is doing. Reverently speaking, had Christ not been tempted in every way, I doubt that the Garden of Gethsemane would have had much of a chance of seeing Christ stick around. Why die for something when you don’t know the nature of that for which you are dying? The firsthand knowledge of the depth of our temptations kept Christ’s face toward God so that he could utter “Not my will, but yours.” Lord, my flesh is weak and you know it well. I thank you that you know what it is like to live in such flesh. And I thank you that this knowledge channels your mercy toward me, a sinner saved by grace.
9/28/21 GOD’S ANGER 28

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21

COMMENTS: Sin was not created by God but is the absence of God. God is identified as Light and Darkness is defined as the absence of Light. So the evil satan tempts us to do is simply the temptation for us to move away from God and to the choices and conduct the absence of God inspires. Satan is the source of all sin and choices that are defined in that Darkness that satan works within and does all he can to spread and expand that darkness in God’s creation, including us. Christ did not sin but accepted our guilt and punishment God required for our sins. We are not to judge others or compare them and their sins to ours, for God judges ours since as equally evil and bad and severity but His sacrifice as equally effective at redeeming us from the guilt and judgment of all sins. God’s Word is clear in regard to all sins and all living humans – we are all equally in need of a savior and equally guilty and worthy of hell and damnation. “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself. Do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?” (Romans 2:1, 3–4). All of our sin caused all of the Father’s fury. And all of God’s wrath against you for your rebellion was poured out on Jesus. That means God has no more anger left for you. Only kindness, tolerance, and patience. Jesus bore the crushing pain of having his Father forsake him. That’s why your Savior can now say to you, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Lord Jesus, before your cross I kneel and see my sin that caused you to be made a curse. I am deeply humbled, Lord. Thank you for becoming sin for me that I might become the righteousness of God.
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety–nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety–nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” Luke 15:4–7 COMMENTS: The parable of the lost sheep does not convey good practices for herding sheep. To leave 99 sheep unprotected or attended to find one lost sheep sounds foolish, but from way Jesus told this story, it sounds like this practice was a common practice. Maybe common in large herds that had more than one shepherds tending the flock. Good shepherds would value each sheep higher than just a commodity to make money. A good shepherd would cradle and nurse each sheep especially when sick or wounded. Christ reveals much about how God views us in this parable of the lost sheep. Each sheep has little value or benefit to its owner but the whole sheep flock together does have value in providing income for owner.
But God views each one of us as though we are His one and only child – more than His creation. He values the relationship with each of us as precious to Him. He recognizes our vulnerability and how fragile we are and provides protection and seeks us out when we stray. He knows the danger we even seek out unaware of the peril we expose ourselves to. He knows and loves and cares for each of us and cherishes the relationship we open ourselves to have with Him. Most people can understand a God who forgives sinners who crawl to him and beg for mercy. People can relate to a gruff God who makes sinners grovel in the dirt and plead for forgiveness. A God like that, we can understand. But a God who actually runs to search for sinners in order to forgive them? A God who seeks out rebels in order to save them? A God who would lay down his life for his enemies? Little wonder we stand amazed at the love of Jesus! That our Good Shepherd leaves his large flock so that he will not lose one sinner shows the abundance of his care. And that he would carry the lost one on his shoulders, once he was found, shows the abundance of his tenderness. O Lord, this parable shows me how much you care for the lost ones I love. Thank you, Shepherd!

“So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” I Peter 4:19
COMMENTS: Have you ever taken time to notice how much hardship and suffering is self inflicted vs. how much is inflicted by others and how much suffering is beyond any human’s control? 1. Self inflicted suffering would include unwise or foolish or sinful choices that bring their own consequences in relationships or health or exposure to disease or violence or abuse or dangers. 2. External inflicted suffering from others or circumstances includes being near violent people or places where severe weather or natural dangers are common. 3. Living in a sinful broken world influenced by satan and his demons means exposure to a variety of dangers and illnesses that may not be evident before they are upon us. Avoiding many of them may not be possible especially if their presence is hidden until damage is done. The answer to this question varies depending on where in the world we look. Those living in places governed by dictators or oppressive religious organizations or cults would determine most of their suffering is beyond their control. However, in free countries, more of the suffering is either self inflicted or can be dramatically improved by implementing better choices. But even when better choices are possible, the difficulty in implementing those choices can be difficult and take a long time to implement positive change. Training and education can help open doors to a better career and life while achieving those goals requires much discipline and determination to overcome formidable obstacles and gain respect and aid of needed helpers along the way. It is important that those blessed share those blessing and share opportunities others gave them forward to others now needing a helping hand. If we look back and notice how those who positively impacted us now continue their legacy in and through us, we gain a clue as to ways we can share blessings and create a positive legacy going forward that will outlive us. But we don’t want to forget or overlook the powerful – overwhelming – wonderfully Good way God is involved in providing options and help and
encouragement along the way. If suffering is within God’s sovereign will and not even a sparrow falls without God knowing it, then He is also involved and working for our good, which includes providing opportunity for redemption and help for eternity. God promises to use any and all suffering and sacrifices for His glory and our good if we yield to His council and direction. There are many ways to suffer in this world, where things happen to us. But the kind of suffering referred to by Peter is suffering we experience by choice, through obedience. Such obedience may result in mockery, beatings, discrimination, trials, and temptations. It’s the price one pays for having our bodies in the world and our spirits in the kingdom. Like being on a rack, we can’t escape the torture. The common suffering he comforts. The godly suffering, he rewards. Exchange neither for anything. We can “entrust our souls to a faithful Creator.” Lord, grant me strength to endure the common sufferings of life and the willful sufferings of your kingdom. In all these, may your presence sustain me and your glory be made known.
Matthew 6:9-15; Luke 11:2-12
The Lord’s Prayer was given by Jesus to His disciples and to the gathered crowd (and to us) as part of a time of teaching / instruction that started with the Beatitudes (Matthew 5), the parable of salt and light, instruction on God’s standard about anger / sexual sin / divorce / overall conduct as well as setting a standard for loving others / giving / keeping the Law and promises, worship. His instruction also provided help and instruction w.r.t. worry and the wise use of money.
His instruction gave a broad and complete guide to living a Christ like life. Christ instructed by example as well as by word. But His instruction also, by example and by word, showed those present (and us thru scripture) how to effectively pray as well. His instruction was direct, simple, and easy to remember both to the crowd as well as to us. The Lord’s Prayer is the most profound and meaningful prayer but also the easiest to remember and repeat. Only God could accomplish that!
So let’s both pray and meditate on what this powerful prayer says. Before sharing this important prayer, Jesus cautions to not pray for purpose of impressing others or for personal gain. Instead He is encouraging an honest and humble and contrite communion with the One and Only God and Creator of everything.

  1. OUR FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN – direct your prayer to God who has
    complete and eternal authority and power and who is on His throne in heaven. Be mindful you are addressing God Almighty who is above and over everything and everyone – including you and including satan. Show reverence and respect and humility knowing the One you are talking to is God Himself.
  2. YOUR KINGDOM COME – we need to take time to not only acknowledge but prepare ourselves to both believe and want God’s kingdom to come here on earth and get our wills in line with His. Preparing ourselves before making requests for our own and other’s needs done first, so stating our desire for God’s will to be done over ours is important.
  3. YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN – we think of heaven being a prefect – eternal place more beautiful and perfect than earth. A place without pain or death or any evil and a place of perfect peace and harmony. A place we dream of. We need to prepare our minds and hearts so we desire that earth reflect God’s Will as much as heaven does already. We are recognizing and desiring Christ to return to earth to set up His kingdom and bind and stop satan’s reign of sin and destruction and death. We also need to conform our wills and actions and thoughts to reflect this goal and plan as well instead of hindering and opposing His Will and Plan. We need to also realize we are as futile as satan in stopping or slowing His Will.
  4. GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD – we desperately depend on Him each and every day for the food we eat, the air we breathe. Every beat of our heart and movement of our bodies and thought in our minds and word we speak and image we see with our eyes is a result of His love and mercy and grace each and every day. We would not survive one second, let alone a day without His constant provision. Yet His provision is so complete and constant it is so easy to take it for granted or assume it will continue as it has. Yet He tells us there will be a time of great tribulation and judgment. Recognizing and expressing gratitude for what God does for us is vital to our relationship with Him and our ability to express Joy and Love towards Him, which is so deserves. We also need to recognize how undeserving we are of such faithfulness and love and grace.
    US – I think it is no coincidence this comes directly after the request for daily bread. We are told to forgive each other each and every day as He forgives us each and every day. We need to recognize we, as imperfect and sinful creatures, will continue to fall short of His perfect example, which means we need His forgiveness each and every day. That needs to motivate us to show compassion to each other and be ready to forgive others each and every day when they continue to hurt and offend and mistreat us. The parable Jesus told of the servant who was forgiven a huge debt by the king and then didn’t forgive someone who owed him a very small amount reflects Jesus’ revelation. We must forgive daily over and over again if we want God to forgive us over and over again. This is not to give us an impossible task to do and doom us to failure, but to guide us into a more wonderful and richer relationship with each other and with Him. His desire is to give us life, not death. Joy, not misery. Hatred hurts the hater more than the hated. Forgiveness gives more life to the forgiver than the forgiven. God is the definition of life and loves to forgive more than judge – after all, He loves us like no other even when we ignore Him and sadden Him with our sins. Mark 11:25 further reinforces this truth “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that you Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”
    EVIL – This may be the hardest portion of this prayer to comprehend. No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond
    what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Why would God want to lead us into temptation or desire for us to be tempted? I Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. God is on our side and uses both good and evil, both His help and even satan’s mischief for our good (Roman 8:28). Yes, He does allow satan to do evil for a time but within restraints. He also allows us to be tempted with limits based on our ability to resist and maturity. Also based on how closely we are walking with Him. By stating this, we are verbalizing our desire for Him to help us overcome and spare us from temptation. It also reminds us to flee temptation and not seek temptation out to satisfy our own selfish desires. Resisting temptation becomes impossible when we are seeking the pleasures temptation offers.
    FOREVER – This final statement acknowledges to God and reminds us who God is and will ever be. He is God Almighty – All powerful – Eternal – Perfect and Holy in every way – worthy of all our praise and worship. This is something we need to remind ourselves of as well as needing to express such praise and worship to Him because He deserves it and because we are drawn closer to Him by expressing our praise and worship. Doing so strengthens our faith and gives us strength and enables us to live closer to the example Christ showed us. John 14:6-11 tells us the only way to eternal life is through Jesus and by knowing and seeing Jesus, we know and see God the Father. As we become closer to Him, He becomes more real to us and we slowly become more like Him. We also desire His Will be fulfilled and for this world to reflect that Will. Our sinful desire wither and a more Christ-like character begins to blossom and grow. That is what “growing on our faith” and “striving to perfection” and becoming more Christ like all are describing. Will you and I achieve perfection in our human bodies this side of the grave? NO. We are not capable of comprehending that level of perfection let alone achieve it. But we can improve greatly and will each day if we are in fellowship with Him daily. That is my goal and my desire and my quest. How about you?
    Let’s face it. All other religions are satan’s tricks or man’s foolishness to distract us from the One and True God. That means the gods they worship and promote do not exist. Satan does exist and is formidable to us but is no match to God or even one of His angels. Satan was Lucifer, the greatest of the Archangels until He thought himself equal to God and was stripped of his authority and removed from heaven along with 1/3 of heaven’s angels who he deceived and convinced to follow him. (Rev. 12) When we think about it, why would anyone ever follow satan? He, unlike God, cannot create anything. All he can do is destroy. So which is easier and who is more powerful. Someone who kills or someone who creates? If doubt that, try stepping on an ant and then try to fix it. Today our children’s heroes are not those who accomplish great things but those who are powerful enough to destroy and kill. What is mostly on TV and in cartoons? Well, we all do to some degree follow Satan’s temptations all too often because we take our eyes
    off Christ and allow ourselves to be tempted. Another reason for praying “LEAD US
    So let’s now pray the Lord’s Prayer together:
    As previously, below is the Gideon Bible Reference I have been included in monthly devotions for some time. I decided to continue including this for benefit of new readers and to continue to make it accessible to any and all who read and share this journal. I encourage you to use and share as God directs. If you wish to contact me or access more devotions, below is link to access.
    In His Service,
    Don McDaniel
    If you wish, you can access my blog at “”. There you will find 650 blog posts I have made plus a link to my devotional journal material archives from 2013 to present ( )
    You may also access my Facebook page and request to be my friend and automatically receive my daily journal publications daily. My Facebook page is: Many thanks to a pastor and dear brother in Christ in Nepal who set up the above Facebook page to help and encourage and give opportunity for more to explore and use my devotional blog materials.
    My hope and prayer are, my blog and devotional materials will become a source of encouragement
     The way of salvation: John 14:6, Acts 16.32, Romans 10:9
     Comfort in time of loneliness: Psalm 23, Isaiah 41:10, Hebrews 13:5-6
     Comfort in time of sorrow 2 Cor. 1:3-5, Romans 8:26-28
     Relief in time of suffering 2 Cor. 12:8-10, Hebrews 12:3-13
     Guidance in time of decision James 1:5-6, Proverbs 3:5-6
     Protection in time of danger Psalm 91, Psalm 121
     Courage in time of fear Hebrews 13:5-6, Ephesians 6:10-18
     Peace in time of turmoil Isaiah 26:3-4, Philippians 4:6-7
     Rest in time of weariness Matthew 11:28-29, Psalm 23
     Strength in time of temptation James 1:12-16, 1Cor. 10:6-13
     Warning in time of indifference Gal. 5:19-21, Hebrews 10:26-31
     Forgiveness in time of conviction Isaiah 1:18, 1Jn, 1:7-8
     The creation Genesis 1-2
     The fall of man Gen 3
     The flood of Noah Gen 6-9
     The call of Abraham Gen 12:1-9
     Deliverance of Israel from Egypt Exodus 11-14
     Dedication of the temple 2 Chronicles 5-7
     The Babylonian Captivity of Israel 2 Chr. 36
     Revival of Israel after captivity Nehemiah 8-9
     Promises of the coming Messiah Isaiah 9:2-7, Ps22, Is.53
     The Birth of Christ Mtt1:18-2:23, Lk1:26-2:40
     The Triumphal Entry Lk19:28-44
     The last supper Mk14:2-26
     The Garden of Gathsemane Mtt. 26:36-46
     The Betreyal of Jesus Mtt. 26-47-56
     The arrest and trial of Jesus Jn 18:12-19:16
     The death of Christ Lk 23:26-56, Jn19:16-42
     The resurrection of Christ Lk24, Jn20
     The ascension of Christ Acts 1:1-12
     The coming of the Holy Spirit Acts2:1-21
     The conversion of Paul Acts 9:1-31
     The heroes of Faith Hebrews 11
     The 10 commandments Exodus 20:1-17
     The sermon on the mount Mtt 5-7
     The golden rule Mtt7:12
     The greatest commandment Mtt 22:36-40
     The righteousness of Faith Romans 3:19-28
     The Royal Law James 2:8, Romans 13:8-10
     Christ’s New Commandment John 13:34-35
     Christian love 1 Cor. 13
     God’s greatness and man’s weakness Isaiah 40
     The two fold Revelation of God Psalm 19
     Man’s universal guilt Rom 1:18-2:16
     Atonement Leviticus 16, Romans 5
     The new birth John 3
     Justification by Faith Eph 2:1-10, Gal 2:16-21
     Christ, the Good Shepherd Ps 23, John 10:1-18
     Christ’s intercession for His Own Jn 17, Heb 7:25
     The High Priestly Work of Christ Heb. 7:25, Heb. 4:14-16
     Christ’s Humiliation and Exhaltation Philippians 2:5-11
     Resurrection of the Christian Dead 1 Cor. 16, 1Thess. 4:13-18
     The second coming of Christ Mtt 24, 2 Thess. 1:7-2:12
     The Last Judgment Rev. 20:10-15
     The New Heaven and New Earth Rev. 21-22
     Christian Home relationships Eph. 5:22-6:4
     A model wife and mother Prov. 31:10-31
     Marriage and divorce Mtt 19:3-9, Malachi 2:14-16
     The sin of adultery Prov. 6:23-33
     The prodigal son Luke 15:11-32
     Employer-employee relationships Col 3:22-4:1
     Business and prof. principles Ps15, Prov. 3:1-12
     Seperation of worldliness 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1, 1 Jn 2:15-17
     Decisions of doubtful things Rom.14
     Christian fruitfulness Jn15
     Heavenly wisdom James 3:14-18
     Christian responsibilities Rom. 12-13
     Christian stewardship 2 Cor. 8-9
     Christian witnessing Mtt 28:18-20, Jm17:18-20
     Prevailing prayer Mtt 6:5-15, Philippians 4:6-7
     Heavenly priorities Mtt 6:25-33
     Brevity of man’s days Ps 90
     The causes of war James 4:1-4
     The value of the soul Mk. 8:36-37
     ITSELF: 2 Tim. 3:15-16 , Psalm 19:7
     GOD: Psalm 99:9, 1 Tim.1:17, Isaiah 45:21-22
     MAN: Gen. 1:27, Gen 2:7, Isaiah 43:7
     HEAVEN: Rev.21:3-4, 21:27
     SIN: Romans 5:12, Isaiah 59:2, Romans 3:23
     HELL: 2 Thess 1:8-9, Rev. 20:15
     CHRIST –HIS ADVENT Micah 5:2, Mtt.1:21-23, Lk 2:10-11
     CHRIST – HIS PERSON John 10:30, 14:6
     CHRIST –HIS WORK Lk. 22:19-20, 1 Peter 2:24, Col.1:14, Isaiah 53:5-6
     CHRIST-HIS RESURRECTION Lk. 24:36,39, 1 Cor. 15:3-4
     FAITH Acts 20:20-21, Heb. 11:6, Eph. 2:8-9
     LIFE John 3:3, 1:12-13, 3:36, 2 Cor.5:17

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