Learning to Trust

                                                             Matthew 6,25-34                                             

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Matthew 6:25

RECOMMENDED READING: Mark 6:7-9  “7 And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse:But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats.”

COMMENTS:  How great is your faith?  We tend to have more faith in things than we do in people or individuals.  We trust a car to take us reliably from one place to another at high speeds in severe weather without thinking about it.  We don’t think about a wheel coming off or car stopping in the middle of no-where.  We don’t think about gravity failing, resulting in us floating out into space.  We don’t think about the sun burning out or failing to come up in the morning.  We may doubt if our mother or father can carry us as a grown adult like she or he could as an infant but wouldn’t doubt their faithfulness to pick us up at school or work.

So, how strong is our faith when it comes to God keeping His promises?  How much faith did some familiar people from old testament and new testament times have?   How does our faith compare to theirs and how do we develop such faith?

Faith sufficient to go into a lion’s den rather than deny your Lord.  Faith sufficient to face danger in obedience to God’s call.  Faith sufficient to visit or witness to someone who has mistreated you.  Faith sufficient to forgive when we are bitter or angry.  Faith like Christians in China or North Korea or in many Muslim dominated countries where Christians are persecuted.    As we look more closely at the first century Christians, how they lived and conducted themselves as well as the persecution they endured, we discover their faithfulness in the midst of persecution strengthened their faith, strengthened their witness and impact on others, and was a great catalyst to strengthen and grow the Church in numbers and in confidence during those years. 

Truth is, we believe what we choose to believe and who we choose to believe.  We put our trust and faith in who we want, whether they are worthy of that faith or not.  Consider how some put their complete faith in Jim Jones or Adolf Hitler or…  The list is long and dates back to ancient times.   People tend to trust and follow people they admire or like or who are charismatic or persuasive orators.  Kings and rulers are more often tall and physically strong and good looking because people choose them before potential leaders who are short or less attractive.  Israel’s first king, Saul was tall and attractive but failed and was rejected by God  Saul was their choice, not God’s.   David was God’s choice even as a small young inexperienced boy.  God sees the soul and mind and weighs qualities hid there instead of outward appearances and gifts.

Well, who should we follow and put our faith in?  Who has a track record worthy of our trust and faith?  Who can we confidently rely on and lean on during crisis as well as in calm?  Scripture doesn’t reveal those who blindly put their faith in Christ.  Jesus proved His was who He said and worthy of their trust, but a response was required from them as from us.  We need to seek Him and trust Him but often hold on to a safety net that is keeping us from trusting Him fully.  What is your safety net?  What is He asking you to give up in order to fully trust Him?  Afraid to ask?  Well, that is what faith requires.  Consider what we lose because we don’t.  Go ahead, ask.  I am asking Him this morning…

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My hope and prayer are, my blog and devotional materials will become a source of encouragement and tools in ministry for you.

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