Don McDaniel – Who am I?

Don McDaniel – Who am I?

Hello everyone and welcome to my devotional journal blog.  In order to get acquainted and help you get to know me a bit better before considering following my blog, let me give you some background.  I am a 65-year-old male and a retired engineer.  I worked for a major supplier of underground mining equipment for nearly 40 years before retiring in 2012.  Arlene and I have been happily married since April 1978 and have two grown – married children, one grand daughter and 2 step grand sons.  I joined the local United Methodist church at age 12 after accepting Christ as my Savior at age 10 during revival services in that same church in 1961, so I have been a “Born Again” Christian all my teen years and adult life.  Christ has helped and guided me all that time.  He guided me in choosing my wife and life’s career.  My life journey has included regrets and failures, but God has picked me up and protected and spared me from life threatening consequences and dangers more times than I can recall or count.  But many I do recall and encourage and motivate me to trust and follow Christ with more passion than ever.

Christmas 2011 our daughter gave Arlene and I each a devotional journal.  Journals were books with devotion for each day and space to give personal impressions and thoughts related to each devotion. Her desire was to have a lasting legacy she could refer back to and share with her children and grandchildren especially after we are gone.  I was touched by that gesture.  My parents and Arlene’s were devout Christians, so we would have greatly treasured having that from them, so we felt a sense of urgency to honor her request.  I finished my journal first and returned it to our daughter the following Christmas. I’m glad I did it then because Parkinson’s has caused my hand writing to deteriorate since then.  The exercise was such a blessing for me.  Discipline of keeping journal helped me gain a deeper walk with Christ and greater discipline in honoring my time of prayer and devotion with Him each day.  So I decided to continue the practice but since I could not find a paper journal I liked, I decided to create my own.  I had already been receiving electronic devotions by email every day from several sources, my favorite being “Turning Point” from Dr. David Jeremiah.  What I decided to do was to include devotional scripture but add my own thoughts and comments only so there would be no issue of copyright enfringement.  Creating and maintaining journal by computer also addressed my deteriorating handwriting ability.  I started an electronic devotion journal January 1, 2013 and have been faithful to that practice every day since.  I prayed about method and level of distribution.  My initial intent was to only share it with my two children by email, but quickly discovered others in my family, my church, and friends from work (both retired and still working) who knew me and wanted to be included in distribution when they learned what I was doing.  I now distribute by email my daily journal at the beginning of each month to over 60 friends and relatives.  God has richly blessed and encouraged me.

I am concerned with the state of our church and nation, and world for that matter, believing we are living in the end times the prophets of old and Christ have talked about in scripture, so time is short.  I desire to be true to my Savior and a witness to help others come to a saving knowledge of Him and equipped to share His Good News too.  If my journal can encourage and help others, I believe God wants me to share it.  I struggled, for a time at first, because I know many others keep similar journals but only for their own edification and do not want to share them because they are private.

However, Christ has stirred my heart to share it as a witness tool.

Our son and daughter have a long time friend who grew up with them who we also befriended nearly 20 years ago.  He had a lot of family problems, so would gravitate to our family as a refuge and eventually thought of us as his adopted parents and he as our adopted son.  We lost contact with him for some time when he grew up and left home.  He traveled around the U.S. and eventually ended up in Ukraine.  He resides there and has a Ukrainian wife and a new son.  He is doing well teaching English in the Ukraine as a profession.  Recently he was required to return to the U.S. for 3 months in order to renew his visa, and needed a place to live during that time.  We were glad to offer a room in our house, so have provided him haven.  We have enjoyed his company and were glad to provide help to him during that time, which continues until he returns home the end of March 2016.  He is able to continue contact with his wife and maintain and conduct his classes by Internet connection while in U.S., the miracle of modern technology.  He was also able to obtain short-term employment to raise money to pay for his return trip.  An additional blessing unfolding for him is re-establishing relationships with some of his family and acquiring family pictures he was deprived and desired so much to acquire to share with his wife and new son.

He is also an active blogger and has been an email subscriber to my journal for several months, so he has been suggesting I expand my distribution by starting a blog to get broader exposure.  After reflection and prayer, I concluded God was in this, so he is helping me set up my blog site. This brief autobiography is my first entry.

I hope and pray it will be a blessing for you.  I will be seeking God’s help and will welcome your input to make this site as meaningful as I can and true to God, who is motivating me to create and maintain it.  I will also welcome input in order to make format more meaningful going forward and will certainly be praying and seeking God’s input as well.


2 thoughts on “Don McDaniel – Who am I?

  1. Glad to meet you brother Don.I’m so encouraged by your testimony.
    I would like to read your devotional books n translate in to my mother toung Telugu which is speaking by more than 10 crores .
    Please pray n send the printed books if possible.


    1. I invite you to read and share any or all my posts on my blog “” One post “link to outreach resources + Dons Devotional Journal Entries 2013-2016” is link to access my archived journals. They are intended to be a free resource to assist Christians in ministry and outreach. You may also email me at “” or thru Facebook message.


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